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Conical sensor object belonging to satellite scenario

Since R2021a


    ConicalSensor defines a conical sensor object belonging to a satellite scenario.

    Conical sensor is a generic ground truth sensor. You can understand the use of a conical sensor in Satellite Constellation Access to Ground Station. You can use the conical sensor to approximate an antenna, camera or any other sensor. You can set its MaxViewAngle which defines the field of view to the antenna beamwidth, and use it with Access analysis.


    You can create the ConicalSensor object using the conicalSensor object function of the Satellite, GroundStation, Platform (Satellite Communications Toolbox), or Gimbal objects.


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    You can set this property only when calling the conicalSensor function. After you call the conicalSensor function, this property is read-only.

    Conical sensor name, specified as a name-value argument consisting of 'Name' and a string scalar, string vector, character vector, or a cell array of character vectors.

    • If you are adding only one conical sensor, specify Name as a string scalar or a character vector.

    • If you are adding multiple conical sensors, specify Name as a string scalar, character vector, string vector, or a cell array of character vectors. All conical sensors that you add as a string scalar or a character vector are assigned the same specified name. The number of elements in the string vector or cell array of character vectors must equal the number of conical sensors that you are adding. Each conical sensor is assigned the corresponding name from the vector or cell array.

    In the default value, idx is the ID assigned by the satellite scenario.

    Data Types: char | string

    This property is set internally by the simulator and is read-only.

    ConicalSensor ID assigned by the simulator, specified as a positive scalar.

    Mounting location with respect to the parent object in meters, specified as a three-element vector or a matrix. The position vector is specified in the body frame of the input parent.

    • If you are adding one conical sensor, MountingLocation is a three-element vector. The elements specify the x, y, and z components of the Cartesian coordinates in the body frame of conical sensor.

    • If you are adding multiple conical sensors, MountingLocation can be a three-element vector or a matrix. When specified as a vector, the same set of mounting locations are assigned to all specified conical sensors. When specified as a matrix, MountingLocation must contain three rows and the same number of columns as the conical sensors. The columns correspond to the mounting location of each specified conical sensor and the rows correspond to the mounting location coordinates in the parent body frame.

    When the AutoSimulate property of the satellite scenario is false, you can modify the MountingLocation property only when SimulationStatus is NotStarted. You can use the restart function to reset SimulationStatus to NotStarted, but doing so erases the simulation data.

    Data Types: double

    Mounting orientation with respect to parent object in degrees, specified as a three-element row vector of positive numbers. The elements of the vector correspond to yaw, pitch, and roll, in that order. Yaw, pitch, and roll are positive rotations about the z-axis, intermediate y-axis, and intermediate x-axis of the parent.

    • If you are adding one conical sensor, MountingAngles is a three-element vector.

    • If you are adding multiple conical sensors, MountingAngles can be a three-element vector or a matrix. When specified as a vector, the same set of mounting angles are assigned to all specified conical sensors. When specified as a matrix, MountingAngles must contain three rows and the same number of columns as the conical sensors. The columns correspond to the mounting angles of each specified conical sensor and the rows correspond to the yaw, pitch, and roll angles in the parent body frame.

    When the AutoSimulate property of the satellite scenario is false, you can modify the MountingAngles property only when SimulationStatus is NotStarted. You can use the restart function to reset SimulationStatus to NotStarted, but doing so erases the simulation data.

    Example: [0; 30; 60]

    Data Types: double

    Field of view angle in degrees, specified as a scalar in the range [0, 180] or a vector.

    • If you add one conical sensor, MaxViewAngle must be a scalar.

    • If you add multiple conical sensors, MaxViewAngle can be a scalar or a vector. When MaxViewAngle is a scalar, the same field of view angle is assigned to all conical sensors that you are adding. When MaxViewAngle is a vector, the length of MaxViewAngle must equal the number of conical sensors in the parent. Each element of MaxViewAngle is assigned to the specified corresponding conical sensor.

    When the AutoSimulate property of the satellite scenario is false, you can modify MaxViewAngle while the SimulationStatus is NotStarted or InProgress.

    Data Types: double

    You can set this property only when calling access. After you call access, this property is read-only.

    Access analysis objects, specified as a row vector of Access objects.

    You can set this property only when calling coordinateAxes. After you call coordinateAxes, this property is read-only.

    Coordinate axes triad graphic object, specified as CoordinateAxes object.

    You can set this property only when calling ConicalSensor. After you call ConicalSensor, this property is read-only.

    Field of view objects, specified as a scalar of FieldOfView objects.


    The properties Name, MountingLocation , MountingAngles, and MaxViewAngle can be specified as name-value arguments in the conicalSensor object function. The size of specified name-value pairs determines the number of conical sensors that you can specify. Refer to these properties to understand how they must be defined when specifying multiple conical sensors.

    Object Functions

    aerCalculate azimuth angle, elevation angle, and range of another satellite or ground station in NED frame
    accessAdd access analysis objects to satellite scenario
    fieldOfViewVisualize field of view of conical sensor
    coordinateAxesVisualize coordinate axes triad of satellite scenario assets


    collapse all

    Create a satellite scenario with a start time of 15-June-2021 8:55:00 AM UTC and a stop time of five days later. Set the simulation sample time to 60 seconds.

    startTime = datetime(2021,6,21,8,55,0);
    stopTime = startTime + days(5);
    sampleTime = 60;                                      % seconds
    sc = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime)
    sc = 
      satelliteScenario with properties:
             StartTime: 21-Jun-2021 08:55:00
              StopTime: 26-Jun-2021 08:55:00
            SampleTime: 60
          AutoSimulate: 1
            Satellites: [1×0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Satellite]
        GroundStations: [1×0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.GroundStation]
             Platforms: [1×0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Platform]
               Viewers: [0×0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Viewer]
              AutoShow: 1

    Add a satellite to the scenario using Keplerian orbital elements.

    semiMajorAxis = 7878137;                                                                    % meters
    eccentricity = 0;
    inclination = 50;                                                                           % degrees
    rightAscensionOfAscendingNode = 0;                                                          % degrees
    argumentOfPeriapsis = 0;                                                                    % degrees
    trueAnomaly = 50;                                                                           % degrees
    sat = satellite(sc,semiMajorAxis,eccentricity,inclination,rightAscensionOfAscendingNode, ...
    sat = 
      Satellite with properties:
                      Name:  Satellite 1
                        ID:  1
            ConicalSensors:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.ConicalSensor]
                   Gimbals:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Gimbal]
              Transmitters:  [1x0 satcom.satellitescenario.Transmitter]
                 Receivers:  [1x0 satcom.satellitescenario.Receiver]
                  Accesses:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Access]
                   Eclipse:  [1x0 Aero.satellitescenario.Eclipse]
               GroundTrack:  [1x1 matlabshared.satellitescenario.GroundTrack]
                     Orbit:  [1x1 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Orbit]
            CoordinateAxes:  [1x1 matlabshared.satellitescenario.CoordinateAxes]
           OrbitPropagator:  sgp4
               MarkerColor:  [0.059 1 1]
                MarkerSize:  6
                 ShowLabel:  true
            LabelFontColor:  [1 1 1]
             LabelFontSize:  15
        Visual3DModelScale:  1

    Add a ground station, which represents the location to be photographed, to the scenario.

    gs = groundStation(sc,Name="Location to Photograph", ...
        Latitude=42.3001,Longitude=-71.3504)                 % degrees
    gs = 
      GroundStation with properties:
                     Name:  Location to Photograph
                       ID:  2
                 Latitude:  42.3001 degrees
                Longitude:  -71.3504 degrees
                 Altitude:  0 meters
        MinElevationAngle:  0 degrees
           ConicalSensors:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.ConicalSensor]
                  Gimbals:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Gimbal]
             Transmitters:  [1x0 satcom.satellitescenario.Transmitter]
                Receivers:  [1x0 satcom.satellitescenario.Receiver]
                 Accesses:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Access]
                  Eclipse:  [1x0 Aero.satellitescenario.Eclipse]
           CoordinateAxes:  [1x1 matlabshared.satellitescenario.CoordinateAxes]
              MarkerColor:  [1 0.4118 0.1608]
               MarkerSize:  6
                ShowLabel:  true
           LabelFontColor:  [1 1 1]
            LabelFontSize:  15

    Add a gimbal to the satellite. You can steer this gimbal independently of the satellite.

    g = gimbal(sat)
    g = 
      Gimbal with properties:
                    Name:  Gimbal 3
                      ID:  3
        MountingLocation:  [0; 0; 0] meters
          MountingAngles:  [0; 0; 0] degrees
          ConicalSensors:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.ConicalSensor]
            Transmitters:  [1x0 satcom.satellitescenario.Transmitter]
               Receivers:  [1x0 satcom.satellitescenario.Receiver]
          CoordinateAxes:  [1x1 matlabshared.satellitescenario.CoordinateAxes]

    Track the location to be photographed using the gimbal.


    Add a conical sensor to the gimbal. This sensor represents the camera. Set the field of view to 60 degrees.

    camSensor = conicalSensor(g,MaxViewAngle=60)
    camSensor = 
      ConicalSensor with properties:
                    Name:  Conical sensor 4
                      ID:  4
        MountingLocation:  [0; 0; 0] meters
          MountingAngles:  [0; 0; 0] degrees
            MaxViewAngle:  60 degrees
                Accesses:  [1x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.Access]
             FieldOfView:  [0x0 matlabshared.satellitescenario.FieldOfView]
          CoordinateAxes:  [1x1 matlabshared.satellitescenario.CoordinateAxes]

    Add access analysis to the conical sensor between the camera and the location to be photographed.

    ac = access(camSensor,gs)
    ac = 
      Access with properties:
        Sequence:  [4 2]
        LineWidth:  3
        LineColor:  [0.3922 0.8314 0.0745]

    Visualize the field of view of the camera by using the Satellite Scenario Viewer.

    v = satelliteScenarioViewer(sc);

    Determine the intervals during which the camera can see the geographical site.

    t = accessIntervals(ac)
    t=35×8 table
              Source                   Target             IntervalNumber         StartTime                EndTime           Duration    StartOrbit    EndOrbit
        __________________    ________________________    ______________    ____________________    ____________________    ________    __________    ________
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           1          21-Jun-2021 10:38:00    21-Jun-2021 10:55:00      1020           1            2   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           2          21-Jun-2021 12:36:00    21-Jun-2021 12:58:00      1320           2            3   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           3          21-Jun-2021 14:37:00    21-Jun-2021 15:01:00      1440           3            4   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           4          21-Jun-2021 16:41:00    21-Jun-2021 17:04:00      1380           5            5   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           5          21-Jun-2021 18:44:00    21-Jun-2021 19:07:00      1380           6            6   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           6          21-Jun-2021 20:46:00    21-Jun-2021 21:08:00      1320           7            7   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           7          21-Jun-2021 22:50:00    21-Jun-2021 23:04:00       840           8            8   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           8          22-Jun-2021 09:51:00    22-Jun-2021 10:02:00       660          13           13   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"           9          22-Jun-2021 11:46:00    22-Jun-2021 12:07:00      1260          14           15   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"          10          22-Jun-2021 13:46:00    22-Jun-2021 14:10:00      1440          15           16   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"          11          22-Jun-2021 15:49:00    22-Jun-2021 16:13:00      1440          16           17   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"          12          22-Jun-2021 17:53:00    22-Jun-2021 18:16:00      1380          18           18   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"          13          22-Jun-2021 19:55:00    22-Jun-2021 20:18:00      1380          19           19   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"          14          22-Jun-2021 21:58:00    22-Jun-2021 22:16:00      1080          20           20   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"          15          23-Jun-2021 10:56:00    23-Jun-2021 11:16:00      1200          26           27   
        "Conical sensor 4"    "Location to Photograph"          16          23-Jun-2021 12:56:00    23-Jun-2021 13:19:00      1380          27           28   

    Calculate the maximum revisit time in hours.

    startTimes = t.StartTime;
    endTimes = t.EndTime;
    revisitTimes = hours(startTimes(2:end) - endTimes(1:end-1));
    maxRevisitTime = max(revisitTimes)                             % hours
    maxRevisitTime = 

    Visualize the revisit times that the camera photographs of the location.


    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a