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(To be removed) Create list of nodes associated with virtual reality animation object

nodeInfo will be removed in a future release.


nodeInfo(h) creates a list of nodes associated with the virtual reality animation object, h.

n = nodeInfo(h) returns a cell array n that contains the node information.



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This example shows how to create a list of nodes associated with the virtual reality animation object, h.

h = Aero.VirtualRealityAnimation;
h.VRWorldFilename = 'asttkoff.wrl';

Figure VR Plane Take-Off contains objects of type hgjavacomponent, uimenu, uipanel, uitoolbar.

Node Information
1	Camera1
2	Plane
3	_V2
4	Block
5	Terminal
6	_v3
7	Lighthouse
8	_v1

Input Arguments

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Virtual reality animation object, specified as an Aero.VirtualRealityAnimation object.

Output Arguments

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Node information, returned as a cell array. The information is returned in a cell array as follows:

N{1,n} = Node Index
N{2,n} = Node Name
N{3,n} = Node Type

where n is the number of nodes. You might want to use this function to find an existing node by name and then perform a certain action on it using the node index.

Version History

Introduced in R2007b

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