Using Systems Pharmacology Modeling Approaches to Guide Preclinical Animal Studies - MATLAB
Video length is 46:51

Using Systems Pharmacology Modeling Approaches to Guide Preclinical Animal Studies

John M. Burke, Applied BioMath

Inventing and developing safe and efficacious drugs is a difficult task, especially for co-modulation proteins that regulate the immune response for chronic autoimmune diseases. For example, there must be adequate target coverage to dampen the immune response, but not so much as to essentially shut off the immune system.  The development of a bispecific biologic that targets two different co-modulation proteins expressed on cells is even more complex. In this webinar, we apply systems pharmacology techniques to predict the therapeutic window in cyno monkeys for this bispecific biologic.

In the second half of the webinar, we will demonstrate how SimBiology can be used to implement systems pharmacology approaches within the context of this bispecific biologic example.

Highlights include:

  • Building and characterizing a mechanistic model for bispecific biologics
  • Exploring dosing strategies to achieve response in the therapeutic window

About the Presenters:

John M. Burke, PhD, is President, CEO and Co-founder of Applied BioMath, LLC, a Systems Biology and Pharmacology company. Dr. Burke’s BS and MS are in Applied Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, Lowell. His PhD degree is in Applied Mathematics, Arizona State University, where he studied dynamical systems, singular perturbation theory, and control of signal transduction networks and protein expression. Prior to Applied BioMath, Dr. Burke joined Boehringer Ingelheim (BI), as Global Head of Systems Biology, where he started, developed and managed the Systems Biology and Pharmacology group, portfolio, strategy and tactics. At BI, his group supported over 100 projects in five years, and over 11 transitions into Development or Clinical Trials. Prior to Boehringer Ingelheim, he was a Sr. Fellow in Douglas A. Lauffenburger’s lab, Biological Engineering Department, MIT; Co-Scientific Director of the Cell Decision Processes Center, Systems Biology Department, Harvard Medical School; then Merrimack Pharmaceuticals.

Asawari Samant is a Senior Application Engineer at MathWorks. She has a B.S. and M.S. in chemical engineering. At MathWorks, she primarily supports the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, and the computational biology sector.

Recorded: 3 Feb 2015