Introduction to Microgrids | Microgrid System Development and Analysis, Part 1 - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 3:04

Introduction to Microgrids | Microgrid System Development and Analysis, Part 1

From the series: Microgrid System Development and Analysis

In this first video on microgrids, the concept of distributed power systems is introduced. While the focus of this series will be on microgrids, the concepts discussed on distributed power and energy resources are for other applications, such as more electric aircraft and ship electrification.

Traditional utility transmission and distribution rely on centralized generation from conventional power plants. The increase in availability of distributed energy resources (DERs) on distribution feeders has led to an interest in a paradigm shift. One such proposed approach is the microgrid. The microgrid can be interconnected with the utility grid through a point-of-common coupling (PCC) or it can choose to “island” to remain online if weather or grid faults occur. Microgrid islanding with local DERs allow a drastic increase in reliability. Additionally, microgrids could be completely isolated in remote areas without traditional utility access.

With the addition of a supervisory microgrid controller, additional renewable DERs and energy storage resources can be integrated into the grid effectively. As is also introduced in this video, validation and testing of controllers is essential prior to grid integration. MathWorks tools can enable both microgrid control design, testing, and implementation on the final control hardware.

Published: 4 Apr 2018