Introducing the Fixed-Point Converter App for MATLAB - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 18:31

Introducing the Fixed-Point Converter App for MATLAB

In release R2014b, Fixed-Point Designer will add the Fixed-Point Converter app for automated conversion of floating-point MATLAB code.

How this benefits you:
The Fixed-Point Converter app enables you to convert floating-point MATLAB® code to fixed-point MATLAB code. You can choose to propose data types based on simulation range data, static range data, or both.

Highlights of the webinar include:

  • Automated fixed-point conversion of MATLAB code using the Fixed-Point Converter App
  • Fixed-point data type proposals based on fraction lengths or word lengths
  • Fixed-point data type proposals based on simulation range data, static range data, or both
  • Test numerics by running the test file with the fixed-point types applied
  • Comparing floating-point and fixed-point test results using the Simulation Data Inspector or your own plotting functions
  • Viewing a histogram of bits used by each variable

About the Presenter
Harshita Bhurat - Fixed-Point Designer Product Marketing Manager at MathWorks, Embedded Systems Application Engineer at Broadcom Corp., M.S. in Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology.

Recorded: 24 Oct 2014