Video length is 21:08

Implementing Best Practices in Your Software Factory to Improve DevOps Metrics

Faster delivery needs and rising software complexity are common trends in automotive organizations. This raises numerous challenges for conventional software development processes. Questions to be answered during this transformation include:

  • How can agile teams develop a comprehensive issue detection process?
  • How can software architecture and quality be improved while still adhering to industry standards like ISO 26262?
  • How can advanced workflow options be leveraged with cloud platforms?

In order to answer the questions above and to improve DevOps metrics, you’ll learn about best practices for interactive and automated development during this presentation. Best practices include continuous integration workflows and a shift-left approach using Model-Based Design and Polyspace® in your software factory. You’ll also discover methods for lowering the risk of delayed software delivery and increasing confidence in software quality.

Published: 22 Nov 2022