
Matlab Basics II - Velocity of a particle
A particle is moving in space, such that it's velocity is given by: <<>> write a...

mer än 3 år ago


Matlab Basics II - Find the roots of a function
Write a function that finds where a curve crosses zero (the x-axis) to two decimal places Example: <<http://s14.postimg.o...

mer än 3 år ago


Matlab Basics II - Operations and Matrix Dimensions
Write a function that takes two inputs, a & b, and outputs the sum and product of the two matrices. The matrices have OPPOSITE d...

mer än 3 år ago


Raise Matrix to Power
For a given square matrix x and scalar a, find x^a without using '^' or 'mpower'.

mer än 3 år ago


Apply a function array to an array of numbers
It is required to apply a cell array of functions to a numerical array, where the functions accept only scalar inputs. Exampl...

mer än 3 år ago


Remove All elements less than 5
Given an input vector x, remove all elements of x less than 5 . Example: Input x = [ 1 2 5 7 3 ] Output y is [ 5 7 ...

mer än 3 år ago


Sum of cubes
Write a program to determine sum of cubes of first n odd numbers.

mer än 3 år ago


Calculate the answer to life the universe and everything

mer än 3 år ago


Determine the roots of a cubic equation
Given the coefficients a, b, c, and d of a cubic equation, a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0, determine its roots.

mer än 3 år ago


Matlab Basics II - Unit Conversion
Write a function that converts Kg to lbs, returns the answer to the nearest 1/100th of a pound

mer än 3 år ago


Matlab Basics II - Extract last 3 elements of a vector
Let x be a vector of unknown length, we are always interested in the last 3 numbers in the vector, write a function that gives t...

mer än 3 år ago


Is it prime?
Given a number, check whether it is prime or not. If prime output is true, otherwise false.

mer än 3 år ago


kmph to mph converter
Convert the speed in miles/hour to km/hour.

mer än 3 år ago


Calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle without using ^ and sqrt ()
Find out the hypotenuse of right triangle. Say a = 4, b = 3 then c = 5 Please don't use ^ and sqrt() function.

mer än 3 år ago


Find the minimum element of the matrix
Example: If x = [3 9; 5 2] then y = 2

mer än 3 år ago


calculate linear convolution two vectors
for e.g in: a = [1 2 3] b = [4 5 6] out: y = [4 13 28 27 18]

mer än 3 år ago


Find the function
Given a set of point (x,y) and the coordinate x of a new point, find the y value of new point.

mer än 3 år ago


Young's modulus
Given a value of < Young's modulus> (Y) expressed on MegaPascal, convert it to the uni...

mer än 3 år ago


Enlarge array
Given an m-by-n numeric array (A) and a 1-by-2 vector (sz) indicating the dimensions [p q] to enlarge each element, return an (m...

mer än 3 år ago


subtract central cross
Given an n-by-n square matrix, where n is an odd number, return the matrix without the central row and the central column.

mer än 3 år ago


Inverse of Hilbert matrix
Given a non-negative integer x, return the element-wise power of 2 of the inverse of Hilbert matrix.

mer än 3 år ago


Center of mass
Given a matrix M(m,n), where m is the number of vertices of the geometrical element and n is 2 or 3 (2D-plane figure or 3D-solid...

mer än 3 år ago


Create an 'arrow-head" matrix
Write a function that when given an odd number, produces an arrow-head function pointing to the right. Examples n = 3 ...

mer än 3 år ago


Differential equations I
Given a function handle |f| an initial condition |y0| and a final time |tf|, solve numerically the differential equation dy...

mer än 3 år ago


Construct a string from letters and counts
Given two input arrays like this: [5,3,1] ['a','b','c'] Output a string that contains each letter the specified num...

mer än 3 år ago


This is a palindrome and so am I
A palindrome is a sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward, for instance 'a man a plan a canal panama'...

mer än 3 år ago


Numerical Integration
Input * |x0|, a real number greater than 0 Output * |I|, a numerical estimate of the integral x0 / I...

mer än 3 år ago


Return 'on' or 'off'
When the input is true, return 'on', otherwise, return 'off'.

mer än 3 år ago


Getting the indices from a matrice
Getting the indices from a matrice. Inspired by Problem 645. Getting the indices from a vector by the great Doug Hull. Given a...

mer än 3 år ago


Project Euler: Problem 9, Pythagorean numbers
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 =...

mer än 3 år ago

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