How to convert one column of a table into numeric data type corresponding to the other column of the same table?
This is perhaps slightly more clear: >> genre = {'ab','a','a','o','abo'}'; >> runtime = [11,12,13,14,45]'; >> T = table(genre...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

Elegant way to view and compare data based on feature/parameter selection?
Martin, you may have moved on already, but maybe this is still helpful. First, I think using categorical will make life easier....

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How do I find a daily minimum value using retime when I have categorial data in the table?
SS's answer seems to have worked, and I'm late to the party, but I always like to provide an alternative to using datenum, and r...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How to breakdown a timetable into intervals to performance calculations
Oliver, you may have moved on already, but maybe this will still help. Normally retime would be the thing to use for something ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Decimail Years date to JulianDate
Maybe I'm missing something. The file contains year and fractional year. Isn't this just >> T1 = readtable('https://www.mathwor...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Make arrays into a table
TOK, you have 6 series, each with length 10. The normal way to orient that would be 10 rows, 6 columns. Nonetheless, >> a1 = ra...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Define an event if there are > 5 signals detected in a minute
I'm going to assume that "I would like to define an 'event' if 5 or more signals are detected within a minute." and "check if th...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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running for loop gives error " Row index exceeds table dimentions "
Not sure what purpose the first vector serves, but if it always defines non-overlapping groups, then there's no need for a loop:...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Sort table based on number of occurrences
This has been unanswered for some time. Maybe this is still helpful. The main problem here is cell arrays of (repeated) text an...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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Timeit on pause(2) returns weird ouput
The issue is pause, not timeit: "STATE = pause(...) returns the state of pause previous to processing the input arguments." >>...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

postgresql database with time series results with NaT
You need to provide a format in whatever you are using to import: >> datetime("2022-02-28 16:16:34+00","Format","uuuu-MM-dd HH:...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Write txt to table with collumn name
Sarah, you question is a little vague. It sounds like you have a series of folders, let's say they are named folder1, folder2, ....

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Count unique values in a double
In addition to what Walter said, if you want the unique values of one variable in a table, likely this is what you should use: ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Switching TimeZone property in datetime function doesn't change output.
Marius, here's what's happening: The first few inputs of your code tell datetime that the instant of time you are talking about...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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How to sum structures
Assuming that you are starting with something like this >> A.X = table(rand(3,1),rand(3,1),'VariableNames',{'X1' 'X2'}); >> A....

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How to add two sets of imported data?
Ashley, there's a long example in the doc that talks about "how to perform calculations by using the numeric and categorical da...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

Finding the difference in timeseries values
David, you are correct that diff(TableName.Variables) removes the times and the variable names, in fact, it returns a numeric ma...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Can I use the movmean function for a time series?
CivilEngBath, I recommend that you take a look at using timetables, not timeseries. smoothdata on timetables does what you want....

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Plot data to a certain date with array
Give this a try: >> tt = timetable((1:365)','RowTimes',datetime(2021,1,1:365)) tt = 365×1 timetable Time Var...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Replacing missing data in timetable with values from another dataset
IIUC, I think the simplest thing to do would be to remove the rows with missng data, vertically concatenate with the other data,...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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How to convert timeseries class mat file to excel
In MATLAB R2021b, you can use timeseries2timetable, and then write the timetable to excel. This timeseries has nothing complica...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

select the correct row in a table with a different index in the for loop
Giulia, you got an asnwer to your specific question, but it's quite possible that you asked too specific a question, and didn't ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Error with the division
As StarStride hints, these tables are not even the same size, in either dimension: >> DATIECMWFannuali DATIECMWFannuali = 2...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How can I delete this data on the graph?
This is a lot of code that I just can't follow. I will suggest that a loop l;ike this for i=1:length(dates) % per ogni coppia...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

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How to add variable to Table in MatLab App Designer ?
There are probably a couple things wrong with app.Table{1}=(app.A) First, if app.Table doesn't yet exist, you are not creating...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

Remove successive rows from a table where a specific column value is duplicated
rowfun would be one way to get Jon's suggestion of using unique to work: >> t = readtable("Metingen-data-2021-11-17 10_48_18.cs...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Add variables from one timetable to another
Eric, I think all you need is >> T1 = array2table(rand(5,3),"VariableNames",["A" "B" "C"]); >> T2 = array2table(rand(5,3),"Va...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

Iterate and convert datenums to date times, and find time durations
A couple of preliminaries: xlsread is not recommended. readtimetable is what you want. '200007130000' isn't a "datenum", that ...

mer än 2 år ago | 0

how to find the average of a table 366-by-6
Another possibility would be mean(T{:,vartype("numeric")},"all") But beware, the {} there will downcast mixed numeric types.

mer än 2 år ago | 2

How to import Excel table with column of as individual variables?
I don't know that readtable is the way to go here. If you really just have a few named scalars, you might think about readcell (...

mer än 2 år ago | 1

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