Finding A String In A Specific Column of A Table (SQLite)
If this were a MATLAB table, it would be something like endsWith(T.StringVar,"sixChr") but I don't know what context you are w...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

joining two timetables to complete the timeseries
Muhammad, join is sort of like a horizontal concatenation operation. That is not, I think, what you are looking for. You say I ...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Adding a new column of differences to a table
Even simpler: T.diffB = [0;diff(T.B)]; T.diffC = [0;diff(T.C)]; David's soln has the advantage of being easier to write when ...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Is there any better way to find the average of a dynamic signal for a specific time like 10s or something.?
Why would you not use mean? In any case, make a timetable, and use something like retime(tt,'regular','mean','TimeStep',second...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Organising Dates based on User ID and compute weekly average
If it's just counting number of days for each ID, try this: tt = 1686×1 timetable Date ID ___________...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Separate hourly data into different days based on the hour and minute time.
What's called for here is a nice mix of old and new. The new is datetimes and durations, the old is finding the day boundaries u...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

I want to write a program that takes utc time from the user and converts it to gps time.r case letter
This sounds a lot like a homework problem. You may find some help here

nästan 3 år ago | 0

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Replacing Negative Values in Table with Previous Value in Column
Stef, as near as I can tell, the only thing wrong with your original solution is that D and E are in T, not in the workspace. Th...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

How to overload the @tabular.unstack method?
David, if you "own" your MATLAB installation, there's nothing preventing you from directly modifying unstack. What I'd suggest,...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

generate heat map based on lat/lon and data value
The heatmap function accepts a table as input, this should be a one-liner. If you are looking for a surface plot, KSSV's answer ...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

Subset timetable by specific time windows/periods
This post is more than a year old, but I'm responding in hopes that it might help anyone who looks at this. First, I don't unde...

nästan 3 år ago | 0

ismember: Find matching entries in table columns (and add entry from matching row)
This is a one-liner with tables: >> A = table([1;3;5]) A = 3×1 table Var1 ____ 1 3 5 >> ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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Using index to match rows of table
Lukas, you don't say what you actually need to do after getting those rows, but I'm going to suggest that you should be using ro...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

How to Create txt output from multiselect file by using readtable?
This code DATE = T{:,1}; TIME = T{:,2}; TIME.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; DOH = T{:,3}; ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

How to convert a minutes elapsed vector to time (hh:mm)?
"continous 24 hour measurement" sounds like you are dealing with time of day. If you add 600 minutes to hours(16), you will get ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

Insert new row with values in a table before specific values
It is possible to just use tabular subscripting to insert these rows. This is kind of old school MATLAB. Don't know if it is eas...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

Plot a timetable for charging electric vehicles
Sure. It looks like you want to overlay not only all stands, but also all days on one (24 hour?) time of day axis. That makes it...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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How to separate two graphs plotted in one figure into two separate figures?
If spikes were two separate variables in a timetable (see splitvars), this would just be stackedplot(neural).

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

How do I add a label on each bar of a multiple bar chart? I want to add specific times as labels.
I bet there's a way to simplify the arguments to your bar command. What about something like bar(T_Smooth.X(1:4),T_Smooth{1:4,[...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

Operator '==' is not supported for operands of type 'table'.
There are a couple of problems. c is a table, so R = c(:,"SAPID") is also a table, with only one variable. A table is a contai...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

Dividing grouped data into equally sized subgroups
>> x = rand(16,1); >> g = repmat((1:2)',8,1); >> t = table(g,x) t = 16×2 table g x _ _______ ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

Trying to get time between each start and stop & total time per day from a text file.
I would go with unstack: >> T1 = readtable(''); ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

How to vertically join differently sized tables?
One way is to "assign off the end": >> table1 = table(1,70,175,29,datetime(1992,7,1),"M",'VariableNames',{'Num','Weight','Heigh...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

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Connect correct temperature to another table based on time
Use timetables. It's a one-liner: >> A = timetable(datetime(["13-aug-2020";"14-aug-2020";"15-aug-2020"]), [13.8; 12.2; 8.5]) ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

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bar graph with non numerical x-axis
Simon's solution is one way to do it. But using categorical just to label the bars is kind of an abuse of categorical, which is ...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

How to treat a duration array in a for loop?
Judith, I can't really follow what you are doing, but if you have timestamped data, you should be using a timetable, and then re...

ungefär 3 år ago | 1

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Reorganize table and make groups of rows to columns
You need unstack: >> Date = datetime(1963,[1;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;3],[31;28;29;31;28;29;31;28;29]); >> Permno = [10065;10065;10065;10...

ungefär 3 år ago | 2

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Delete rows in cell aray where there is anything in one collum.
A cell array is the wrong way to store these data. You want a table, or probably a timetable. The fact that you say, "the name o...

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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Prevent overwriting within a for loop in 3D-motion tracking
You may just want T = table(); for ... ... T = [T; readtable (thisFile)];

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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How to convert the number of seconds from an epoch into UTC using the datetime function.
Matthew, this is easier than you think. In MATLAB, 'TimeZone','UTC' is sort of a ficticious timeline that pretends that leaps se...

ungefär 3 år ago | 2

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