
Nikhil Vyas

The MathWorks Inc

Active since 2016

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Programmer | Gamer | Photographer


  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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Making accurate graphs of vectors calculated in while loop
Assuming you want to plot the values in Q_stored and T_Stored against the progress of while loop(which is basically the value of...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

How can I avoid the dreaded P=NaN when using chi2gof?
This answer might help you: <

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Code Generation with Inlined S-Functions
I don't know about any in-build method to do this. However you can configure the model to execute your custom code before loadin...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Is Matlab support for the Raspberry Pi coming to linux?
Well, we can only wait. But I personally think it is quite possible. :)

mer än 8 år ago | 0

plot3 with datetime
It's not possible to use datetime with plot3. However, you can use your axis values with datetick to display the axis ticks as d...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

| accepted

Plot separate histograms.
Assuming this is a n x 5 matrix, the following commands will give you separate matrices based on your condition. % x being ...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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Is there a way to upload files on matlab drive using android device (Moto G Phone)?
Unfortunately, uploading files from the mobile is not supported. Please look at the following screenshot from the MATLAB Mobile ...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

Finding Angle between two lines on an image
You may use Hough Transform to detect multiple lines on an image. Once you have the lines, it's pretty straightforward to calcul...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

How to detect white patches in the image?
You may use regionprops for this. For information about usage of regionprops, refer the following link. <http://www.mathworks...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

how to determine whether a queue is empty in Simevents and do some actions based on this observation?
The Queue blocks(and almost all the other similar blocks of simevents) has a Statistics Tab in the Block Parameters. <</matla...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

How to simulate a (warehouse) subscription order process with SimEvents?
For random orders by a customer, you may use the Event-Based Entity Generator block coupled with a Random Event Generator(Random...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Mapping Out and Multiplying Elements in Vectors
In your expected output matrix, where is the row [0.00 48.77 33.00] coming from? Other than that, you can find the average us...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

How to deal with multiple time series in MATLAB?
The approach I would use is: merge the MAT files, initialize the N x 16000 timeseries. So basically after merging, your final...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Cannot write new code or change variables when in Debug Mode
You can't make changes to your code while you're in Debug mode. If you try to save your changes, it would prompt you to exit the...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

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Matlab R2016a MLX generated figure no response
It might be possible that the *.fig extension files are not associated with MATLAB. You can change file association in Windows b...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

I have this code creating a list of months, however the output is on the last month, Dec. Is it possible to create a matrix of the individual month in order to incorporate into another code?
I'm not sure about what output you require from this code so I'm assume that you just want a cell array with month values. It...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Change Color of Specific Legend Text (not all text)
Instead of doing all that, you can use LaTeX to change the color of the legend text. Let's take a simple example. x = [1 2 ...

mer än 8 år ago | 3

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How do I get my name to show up on Cody Challenges?
In case your name is not showing up the submission list, you may use the following workaround to view your submissions. 1) Su...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

Bit Extraction - Simulink
You can use the Bit Slice block instead of Extract Bits to achieve the same. Something like this: <</matlabcentral/answers/u...

mer än 8 år ago | 1

How to read in an xml file created by c#
If you provide proper starting and ending tags, it works properly with xmlread. I modified your first xml and added the second x...

mer än 8 år ago | 0

how can i translate matlab from english to spanish?
Assuming you're using Windows OS, go through the accepted answer at the following link.

mer än 8 år ago | 0