reverse indexing with conditions
idx = 1:numel(A); mask = A < 5; idx = idx(mask);

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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I need to make a continuous timer
If you want to measure performance in real time (i.e. seconds), you can use the functions tic() and toc() which start and _read_...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Using for loops to generate an array?
m = 7; n = 6; A = zeros(m,n); for i=1:m A(i,:) = i:i:i*n; end This should work for any size array with rows m and c...

mer än 9 år ago | 1

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Color of hyperlinks in Answers posts
It's because a link you're putting in your post is most likely a webpage you've viewed recently. Chrome defaults recently viewed...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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Keep getting Matrix dimensions must agree warning
You need to use element by element division, which is "./".

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How can I find the second and third, etc. most frequent character in say a list of words (cell array of strings)?
a = unique(myStr); n = histc(myStr,a); [n,idx] = sort(n); myFreq = myStr(idx); Now myFreq will be the unique characters ...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Ho to enter this equation and plot it
Well you can't do either right matrix or element by element division on the vectors X and w. X is 1x41 while w is 1x2. I'm assum...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

load txt files with columns of numbers and text
Try: fid = fopen('myFile.txt'); data = textscan(fid,'%s%s%d%d%d%d%s%d%d%d%d%d%d%d'); fclose(fid); This will read y...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Looping through a 3D matrix
for i = 1:144 for j = 1:43 for k = 1:35 myVal = myData(i,j,k); %do something end end...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How do I create a single line plot (just one line) with two differently scaled y-axes?
You can use plotyy() to plot two lines on top of each other so you only see one line. If the colors need to be the same, you can...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How do I determine if a word has a certain character in it?
If you only want to know whether or not the letter is in the word... hasLetter = any(myWord == 'c');

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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Excluding files with a certain keyword in them
Assuming you have the file name as a variable, I'll use myName: myName = lower(myName); idx = strfind(str,'composite'); i...

mer än 9 år ago | 1

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How to stop overwriting the old values from a loop inside a GUI?
I'd put k and ng as handles on the dialog box figure. myGUI.k = 1; = 3; Then, function myCallback(varargi...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How to use text scan?
You can use textscan(fileID,'%s %s %s %s'); That will read all your data in. Only the last entry will matter, since tho...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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Problem with find function
Modified code: hbs_ort = {'North' 'North' 'South' 'South' 'East' 'West' 'West' 'East'}; cabs_ort = 'North'; match=strfi...

mer än 9 år ago | 1

check if user pressed the button "OK" in msgbox
Use questdlg instead. h=questdlg('Please press OK','something','OK','OK'); switch h case 'OK' %'OK' code here...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

How to shade the area bounded by curves
This should do it. Modified from < ...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Why does xlswrite not replace file when I tell it to?
You could fill the file with empty cells, or there's a solution <

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Read data from textfile
You could write something like data.txt: .25 .5 .75 1 .1822 .1751 ...etc. Then use something like textscan() or just ...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Is there a shortcut for selecting the word under the cursor in MATLAB?
You could use shift + arrow to move to the beginning/end of a word, then shift + control + arrow in the opposite direction to se...

mer än 9 år ago | 2

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How can i get points table from output graph in matlab?
p = plot(xValues,yValues); myX = get(p,'xdata'); myY = get(p,'ydata');

mer än 9 år ago | 0

can a 2014 matlab program run on 2015 matlab?
It should, though is the possibility of incompatibility, but since the versions are only a year apart, I doubt there would be is...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Decrypting a message in matlab?
There are 3 things which don't work with your code: # It doesn't work when the key is >26. # Your checks for whether or not ...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

GUI Figure Hide bottom part of figure
I'd say if you really needed the extra part to reveal from the bottom, you can write a resize function which adjusts the positio...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Where to find a complete list of supported class names for 'set' command?
I don't think such documentation exists. The issue is that set() is an extremely generic. Its function differs wildly with what ...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Finding a letter or number in a string of cells
out = {}; for i=1:numel(myData) myStr = myData{i}; myNum = str2double(myStr(myStr>= 48 & myStr <= 57)); m...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Using strings as variable names in a for loop
Have you tried stepping line by line using the debugger? You'll notice that in the line C=zeros(myvar); You're trying t...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

Show value of an array in a messagebox
msgbox() doesn't give you a lot of options with the formatting. If you want to move the text to the right, you can add an icon. ...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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Code to encrypt a string?
There are tons of Caesar Cipher resources out there. <

mer än 9 år ago | 1

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Encrypting a Message with secret code?
There are tons of Caesar Cipher resources out there since it's a pretty basic problem in computer science courses. <http://ww...

mer än 9 år ago | 0

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