
tairman singh

Active since 2013

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Professional Interests: signal processing, image processing


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how can i calculate or track the free space in the image buffer?
for example, my program has too acquire about 2000 frames and i'm getting a error which says image memory buffer is full.So is ...

mer än 11 år ago | 2 answers | 0



What is the simplest most effective way to motion detect using webcams ?
try this function function [logic]=mcheck(f,s) sub=imabsdiff(f,s); diff_im=im2bw(sub,.07); diff_im = medfilt2(diff_im,...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

How to manually segment an image in Matlab, and also manually label the segments?
try searching in the image processing toolbox DEMOS.There is one demo which shows how to segment a image and label those ,name ...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

i am using red object detection program,but the prb is i am unable to stop/interrupt the program when its running,plz help me
Add this into your while loop k=get(gcf,'currentkey'); if (k=='s') disp('program stopped') break end and ...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

i want to detect if a human is running or not in real time using cam . how can i do it...???
these few steps shows how can you achieve that 1. acquire images using getsnapshot at high frame rate. 2. compare the consecut...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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