Matthew Eicholtz
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I love MATLAB.
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How do I extract points from a plot for further computation?
Try using the <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/data_analysis/marking-up-graphs-with-data-brushing.html Brush/Select Data> ...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
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How to use an index of a vector as a value in another matrix?
How about this? Assume you have the inputs: x = [1,1,2,2,3]; y = [1,3; 1,4; 2,3; 2,4]; Then, you can find indices ...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
A button in GUI to move on to next image from a for loop in a different push button.
I would advise against "displaying the images from the directories in a for loop." What about the following setup? * *Pushbut...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
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How can I find instances of a given class that exist?
If I create a figure with several graphics objects, h = figure; axes(...); axes(...); axes(...); I can find ins...
mer än 7 år ago | 0 answers | 3
answersHow to select particular column in xlsx file using xlsread function of MATLAB ?
Does this work? A = xlsread('test.xlsx','sheet1','A:A'); M = xlsread('test.xlsx','sheet1','M:M'); plot(A,M);
mer än 7 år ago | 0
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Need to store some results of a function in a matrix
If I understand your problem correctly, the values stored in _A_ when _a_=4 are being replaced by the new values generated by yo...
mer än 7 år ago | 1
Matlab comparison of two large matricies
A couple comments: 1. Did you mean to convert to the cell array in this manner? subA = num2cell(subA); If you want to...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
padarray using a for loop
I think the error is because you are trying to assign a padded row vector of length M to the pre-padded row vector of length N (...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
faster reading using csvread question
Have you tried <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/readtable.html readtable>? I haven't run any timing diagnostics to see...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
Replace NaN by using for loop
When you say "it cannot be run", do you mean that you receive an error? If so, what line does the error point to and what is the...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
i am using ga to find the initial weight of ann, So i need know about the fitness function?
It sounds like you need to decide on a fitness function to evaluate candidate solutions provided by the genetic algorithm. Perha...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
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I got wrong result when I read some bitmap file!!!
I suggest using <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/imread.html imread> instead.
nästan 8 år ago | 0
Why would csvread read all data into a single column
I think dpb's comment addresses potential csvread issues well, so I'll just add an alternative option that may work for you: <ht...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
How to run Libor Masek code?
I have no idea what Libor Masek code is, but I am familiar with this error. What are the dimensions of eyeimage? If the number o...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
How to do k-fold cross validation in matlab?
I think the function <https://www.mathworks.com/help/bioinfo/ref/crossvalind.html crossvalind> may help. Check out the example o...
nästan 8 år ago | 1
i've created a function to gather x and y coordinates from user, but i dont know how to call them out in program
I'm not sure what you mean by "call them out in program", but you can call this function in the Command Window or in another scr...
nästan 8 år ago | 1
Help me with this problem
I don't think you need the for-loops here. Try this: A = [1 2 0 0; 2 1 2 0; 0 2 1 2; 0 0 2 1]; B = [0 5 34 22; 5 0 34 21...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
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Change specific color in an image to another one
This is a tough problem. Since you are using a raster image, objects that look purple are actually many small variations of purp...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
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How can I sort files into different folders?
Try this... Get the filenames: pathname = '\path\to\current\files'; ext = '*.csv'; % extension you care about d = ...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
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How do I put the text frim the excel file into the fprintf statement without using their actual names
This may not entirely answer your question, but hopefully it points you in the right direction. Suppose you have a vector of wee...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
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I have a gui and i want to have 4 buttons to pan my graph so one that goes left right up and down, how would i do this?
The easy answer: I would suggest using the built-in pan tool in the figure toolbar. The slightly more complicated answer: Try...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
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Syntax for modifying 'LineWidth' in graph?
If you have a figure, figure; % something plotted here... ax = gca; %axes handle Then to change the line width of ...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
How do I generate a random number between two numbers, "n" number of times?
Without using a for-loop: a = 0; b = 255; n = 1000; x = a + (b-a).*rand(n,1); will generate n numbers randomly ...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
Plotting the data if all the data point is to be represented by a vertical bar from the x-axis (y=0) to the value of y for that point
y = randi(10,1,10); % generate random data figure; hold on; for ii=1:length(y) plot([ii ii],[0 y(ii)],'b'); e...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
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Plotting the data if all the data point is to be represented by a vertical bar from the x-axis (y=0) to the value of y for that point
mer än 8 år ago | 0
Help converting cell to matrix of doubles (Large matrix)
I think datevec is what you want. d = datevec(data(:,1),'yyyy-mm-dd'); d = d(:,1:3); % if you only want to keep the year...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
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How do seperate a string in different strings while not creating new strings for variables
For diversity of answers, here is another option (although I do not claim it is better than other answers!): str = '# Donal...
mer än 8 år ago | 2
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Is there a way to reduce the precision of Matlab overall?
Here is a simple way to change the precision of a result: n = 4; % number of desired decimal points x = round(x*10^n)/10...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
Matlab delete's value's from array
Suppose you have an M-by-N matrix (A) of NaNs, 0s, and 1s: M = 3648; % number of rows N = 4; % number of columns A ...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
check if url exists for large files without downloading the file
It seems I stumbled upon a similar approach to Steven, but a few minutes too late! I think this function would do the trick: ...
mer än 8 år ago | 0