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need urgent help please anybody modify my simple code
please have a look at doc plot more specifically check the Examples and How To section where it is explained that you ca...
nästan 9 år ago | 0
Hi, so I'm trying to plot this equation: y=-(sqrt(288-2*x.^4))/x with x=0:0.05:3.267 but y is giving me a single answer (-6.55) and when i do plot(x,y) the graph is empty! Can someone help me please!
you have forgotten to also use the ./ operator instead of the / operator. The code below should give what you try to achieve ...
nästan 9 år ago | 1
error when using "graph"
what are you trying to do? Graph is not a function in matlab, it is a functionality that can only be used in the MuPAD notebook ...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
repeated -append sometimes fails with permission denied
in my code I have to save data repeatedly to the same mat.file so I am using the -append command. This works fine, however, some...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1 answer | 0
answerHow to improve the speed of of this function?
you do not need a loop for this, you can just use TRIAL1A_SPACE1 = zeros(size(T1A_raw_TEMP)); TRIAL1A_SPACE1(T1A_raw_TEM...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1
Importing single and multiple files
is this what you try to achieve? if true [fileList, folder] = uigetfile('*.txt',... 'Find the File to Import', ... ...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
Comparing columns and returning 0s for matching values
is it a table that you have or an array? Have you looked into ismember to see if this does what you want? doc ismember
ungefär 9 år ago | 2
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CSV Date time error
what is your code to read the CSV file? You say that it reads in ok but there might be a better way of reading in your dates suc...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
Good day. May I kindly ask anyone to look at the below script and associated Figure and advise on 1). How to manipulate the "Legend" so it doesnt Interfere/hide the time series. 2). Manage the colors of "time series" so they match thier "trend lines"
please use the documentation of the plot function to see how you can solve this doc plot but this is how you can do it ...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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How can I distinguish between events in data?
since all your events have the same number of value, you do not really need the delimiter value to indicate that a new event sta...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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How can I change the distance between figures in subplot?
is use this < submission> from the file exchange but ther...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
Incomplete time series, how to fill in NaN in data column?
you could just first create a NaN matrix and then fill in your original values at the dates that you have them available ne...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1
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Error in saveas, save a plot
the error message is telling you that f1 is not a valid handle to a figure. Could you do ishandle(f1) and tell us what...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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Return rows (not just row number)
just use strfind or strcmp to find the indices varNames = var(:,1); IndexC = strfind(varNames, 'Cat'); Index = find(...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1
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Variable numerical value in editbox (gui).
If you only want to update the values through this function I would advise against the use of an editbox as this might cause you...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1
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I have an issue with the format of number when i use mean2
this is very common to floating point operations and basically y == 0 if you compare it to the eps value. You should never compa...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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New to matlab, in need of help.
it's probably easier if you store the values in one variable, that way you do not need any if-else commands x = zeros(3,1);...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
How to position the y axis on the right in a plot
you need to use the handles for this so [hAx,hLine1,hLine2] = plotyy(x,y1,x,y2); xlim(hAx(1),...) xlim(hAx(2),...) ...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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I'm new to matlab I'm having trouble with this one.
The most important mistake is adding i to hit in the loop instead of just one, i is a counter that goes from 1 to 10000 so it ge...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1
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How can I read in a txt file, which is being created by a different programm, and plot the numeric data into a contourf plot continously?
first of all, you call fopen without a corresponding fclose. This will get you into trouble so always close the file again after...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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adding +-10% for each y columns
you do not need to create new columns to do this, just add/subtract the 10% in the plot command directly plot(x1,y1,'k-',x1...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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Best practice to retrieve data from a large excel database based on GUI input
have you looked into the function ismember() with the option rows? It looks like this it what you are needing
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
Read multiple text files and save the data into matrix
if your file always has the same amount of lines you could do something like this (if not, you need to check where the ---- occu...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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How to read multiple .csv and store all the data into one sheet
I would recommend you to use textscan instead of csvread for k=1:numfiles fid = fopen(csvFiles(k,1).name); f...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
getting 2 outputs in a GUI function, then using the outputs in main script
your function works well if you make the following adjustments function [out1,out2]=menu f = figure('Position',[350 350...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1
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GUI issue edit text boxes not empty when blank
you should use ID = get(handles.InsideDiameterEdit,'String') to check what the value is in the edit-field. It will b...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
searching the occurances of a numeric in a cell array
I think using strfind would be a good way, just use sprintf() to format your numbers into a string or use num2string() twice if ...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
Shifting or sorting arrays with specific names
you could use arrayfun to extract the first and last two letters and then use strfind to locate the index at which the letters t...
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
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Loading files in GUI
your question is not clear to me but have you looked at the function fileparts?
ungefär 9 år ago | 0
fminimax option iter not working
I want to be able to follow the iteration process of fminimax so that I can see if there is improvement or not since my function...
ungefär 9 år ago | 1 answer | 0