
Decimal Comparison
*Background* A utility of particular interest to Cody and other MATLAB ventures is comparing the equality of two numbers. In ...

mer än 5 år ago


Rainbow matrix
Create a "rainbow matrix" as described in the following examples Input = 3 Output = [ 1 2 3 2 3 2 ...

mer än 5 år ago


capable husband?
* The prospective husband must pass a background check, * and *functions* faithfully, as suggested by <

mer än 5 år ago


Pointwise multiplication of vectors.
Pointwise multiplication of vectors x and y. Example x= [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19] y=[ 1 4...

mer än 5 år ago


row removal
Remove the nth row from input matrix M and return the resulting matrix in output N.

mer än 5 år ago


Find out of matrix transpose Complex conjugate
Find out of matrix transpose Complex conjugate A=[2 3+i;1 4+i] Then answer must be [2.0000 1.0000; ...

mer än 5 år ago


Add two hex numbers
Add two hex numbers

mer än 5 år ago


Define function plu(n) that returns '' (an empty string) if n=1, or 's' otherwise. This is handy for displaying messages from a...

mer än 5 år ago


Find the minimal value in N*N Matrix
Suppose that we have N by N matrix, we try to find the minimal value in that matrix. examples: Input A=[1 2 3 5 6;52 58 56 45...

mer än 5 år ago


Convert Kilometers to Miles
Convert kilometers to miles. Consider 1 km = 0.62 mile. Note: Don't use the '*' operator.

mer än 5 år ago


Find out Harmonic mean.
Find out Harmonic mean.

mer än 5 år ago


Create vector as shown in test cases
Create vector as shown in test cases

mer än 5 år ago


function to compute root mean square of first nn positive odd integers
Write a function called odd_rms that returns orms, which is the square root of the mean of the squares of the first nn positive ...

mer än 5 år ago


Is this group simply connected?
Given connectivity information about a graph, your job is to figure out if the graph is fully connected. You are given a list of...

nästan 6 år ago


~~~~~~~ WAVE ~~~~~~~~~
|The WAVE generator| Once upon a time there was a river. 'Sum' was passing by the river. He saw the water of the river that w...

nästan 6 år ago


imaginary results
Return the value of the imaginary number i to the power of input argument n.

nästan 6 år ago


Remove NaNs and numbers adjacent to NaNs
The aim is to remove the elements before and after NaN occurrences inside a vector. For example: x = [6 10 5 8 9 NaN 23 1...

nästan 6 år ago


Vector pop
Take |n| elements from the end of the vector |v| and return both the shorten vector |v| and the |n| elements in a separate vecto...

nästan 6 år ago


edge detection
write a function that gives the indexes of rising or falling edge x is a vector (assume it contains always at least one eleme...

nästan 6 år ago


Moving Product (Easy)
Given an input array A, write a function *movprod(A,k,dim)* to calculate the moving product over a sliding window of length *k* ...

nästan 6 år ago


Block average ignoring NaN values
Given a matrix, calculate the block average of each disjoint sub-matrix while ignoring *NaN* values. Assume that the size of the...

nästan 6 år ago


Alternately upper-lower case
Modify the string to alternate between upper and lower case. For example, s='achyuta' output='AcHyUtA'

nästan 6 år ago


Find the elements of a matrix according to a defined property.
From A = [5,2,3] and B = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] produce a vector C where : C(1) is the sum of the first A(1) elements of B, ...

nästan 6 år ago


Separate even from odd numbers in a vector - with a loop
*Using a loop*, rearrange a vector of integers such that the odd numbers appear at the beginning, and even numbers at the end. T...

nästan 6 år ago


Calculate the nth Fibonacci number USING 'Golden Ratio' concept
f = [1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ...] If n=6, f(6)=8

nästan 6 år ago


Nilpotent matrix
Check if matrix A is < nilpotent>.

nästan 6 år ago


Count number of words in string
Count number of words in string Examples 'hi', answer is 1 'hi hi', answer is 2 'I enjoy cody', answer is 3

nästan 6 år ago


How long do each of the stages of the rocket take to burn?
A space rocket has 3 stages: - stage 1, s1; - stage 2, s2; - stage 3, s3. If s1 burns 3 x as long as s2 which burns ...

nästan 6 år ago


Accessing elements on the diagonal
Access the diagonal elements of a matrix without 'diag' function

nästan 6 år ago


Triangle of numbers
Create a matrix with the integers from 1 to |n| arranged in a triangular shape. Every row |i| of the matrix contains |i| inte...

nästan 6 år ago

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