Help with simple nested function
Your code seems to run without errors as demonstrated below, whether it does what you want is another question. What is it exact...

11 månader ago | 0

How to quantify non-symmetric signal clipping (clipped differently on positive and negative)?
If, as in your example the nominal (unclipped ) time mean of the signal is zero, then you could quantify the clipping by the sh...

11 månader ago | 0

How to plot power law frequency spectrum?
Type, doc loglog on your command line and you will get all of the documentation there for making a loglog plot, can also Googl...

11 månader ago | 0

Importing data into a "Matlab function" simulink block and interpolating values
The problem is that the block that provides "data" is a from workspace block rather than a constant. You should replace it with ...

12 månader ago | 0

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Identifying a simulink block
I can't tell what that block is from the tiny screen shot of it you sent, but just right click on the block and select help and ...

12 månader ago | 0

Unable to read datetime with format "0600 UTC OCT 25"
t = "1200 UTC OCT 10" td = datetime(t,'InputFormat','hhmm ''UTC'' MMM dd')

12 månader ago | 0

Comparing elemental composition with databank
Here is one approach, in which I put the data into tables and then use ismembertol to to do the comparision with a tolerance. I ...

12 månader ago | 0

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How to avoid recursion in property set functions
I have an application where I would like to perform some additional operations when a property of a handle class is changed. For...

12 månader ago | 1 answer | 0



Delete Table Rows based of certain characters in a row
I think this is a simple example of what you want to do name = {'cat','dog','fish','bear'}' weight = [3,25,8,300]' T = table(...

12 månader ago | 0

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Error using == Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation. How solve this error??
The error is telling you that the dimensions of your variable named, area are not equal to the dimensions of the variable called...

12 månader ago | 0

Code shows matrix is singular to working precision. How can I fix it?
Consider your matrix A'A. If you take a column matrix, in your case A' and multiply it by a row, in your case, A, then every co...

12 månader ago | 0

I need to close excel file before importing data
I looked a little more on MATLAB answers and saw that this issue was previously described, and is a known issue for the Mathwork...

12 månader ago | 0

Unrecognized function or variable when calling a LinearModel from a Simulink Interpreted Function block
When I make an example following the steps you provide it runs without errors. Please attach your script, and Simulink model. I...

12 månader ago | 0

Average Moving filter in Simulink
You could do it like this using just the discrete transfer function block included with Simulink>Discrete>Discrete Transfer Fcn,...

12 månader ago | 0

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Split data based on column value to write in different sheets in excel
You could do it like this % Parameters filename = "myfile.xlsx" % Example data A = [ 1 45 45 1 34 ...

nästan ett år ago | 1

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Collating data from different sources
You could use this approach c1 = { 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 1 5 4.1 "a" 2 ...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

How to make a humidifier on Simulink
Looking quickly I think these two model humidifiers using Simulink without Simscape.

ungefär ett år ago | 0

How to make a random circularly-symmetric gaussian distributed additive noise component with mean 0 and variance (sigma^2)/2?
Using your code and plotting results, qualitatively it looks like you are getting two circularly symmetric distriuted sets of da...

ungefär ett år ago | 1

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error setting gram()
It is most likely that the value for t that you are passing to this function is not a scalar. It must be a scalar for [0 t] to b...

ungefär ett år ago | 0


What is a simple way to check if a collection of vectors all have the same number of elements
I am look for a nice simple way to check if a collection of vectors all have the same number of elements. For example this migh...

ungefär ett år ago | 2 answers | 0



Concatenate two structures from a starting point
I think this example shows how to do what you are asking for % Make some example data d1 = datetime(2023,1,10):days(1):datetim...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

why am I getting the error "Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function 'step."
This runs for me in R2023b, what version are you running? If I look at the actual step.m file in my directory, which comes up as...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

Change variables in the base workspace through a Matlab Function block
I would suggest using the "Interpreted MATLAB Function" block for this purpose. It doesn't need to get compiled. It is under Si...

ungefär ett år ago | 2

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Identifying regions in matrix rows
I wasn't completely clear from your description what output you wanted, but I think this is what you were looking for. Still lo...

ungefär ett år ago | 1

How to make Simulink read a MatLab variable every 5 seconds?
You can do this using the set_param function. I have attached an example Simulink model and script you can run to demonstrate th...

ungefär ett år ago | 2

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Why does it take MATLAB so long to print hello world?
I'm not sure how you are running your test, running this script inside this online environment seems to indicate it is very f...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

row ranking among multiple matrices
Similar to @Bruno Luong, but since I already coded up example before I saw @Bruno Luong's I will provide it as alternative here ...

ungefär ett år ago | 1

How to extract and to export to Excel some variables that have been logged using To Workspace block?
There are many ways to do this. I have attached a simple example showing one way to do it with the data being saved in timeserie...

ungefär ett år ago | 1

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"Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment." in Simulink
I found that if I changed the "Simulate using" parameter on the DUC from Code Generation to Interpreted execution, the model ra...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

Scatter plot with variable symbol size - it's not linear
According to the documentation for scatter, the size in "points squared" units, try this x = 1:100; y = ones( size(x) ); scat...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

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