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How to Overwrite Data
Here you go.. A = [1; 5; 7; 9; 4; 6; 8; 2; 3]; B = [4 0; 5 6; 8 0; 7 5; 0 8; 4 9; 5 6; 0 1; 2 8]; C = B; for i = 1:length(...
mer än 5 år ago | 0
split columns and save seperate .mat files
clc; clear all; % Loading your .mat file (replace data.mat with your .mat fileName) load('data.mat'); % capturing workpa...
mer än 5 år ago | 1
read in the .csv file with ddMMyyyy HHmm data
Hello Yue, Here I have converted the input data to string format and then splitted it to DDMMYYY and HHMM and created output ...
mer än 5 år ago | 0
How to reset default values by button press in GUI?
Hello Nimra, Open your .m file and go to callback of pushbutton 'ResetAll' then mention the following commands.. set(handles....
mer än 5 år ago | 0
Call existent gui as a new project
Hello Fayez, Here I have created Test GUI for you.. run attached 'TestingTool.m' file.. it will open gui... You can enter t...
mer än 5 år ago | 1
How to change the value of variables in base workspace within a function?
Yes, When you use function then it has its own workspace. Here you can use following command to assign or to execute the variab...
mer än 5 år ago | 1
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Write Matlab data to an Excel sheet
try to expand the given rang like.. 'A1:Z500' use writetable(T,filename,'Sheet',1); OR writetable(T,filename,'Sheet',1, 'Ra...
mer än 5 år ago | 0
sorting unique date by time.
Hello Haolun, here is the logic.. % Assumming input Data be like this.. % first column is 'ID', second Column is 'date', thi...
mer än 5 år ago | 0
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find mask model in Simulink
Hello Shengchang, You can use one of following command in your code... (Open your model and run this command and see the resu...
mer än 5 år ago | 1
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¿how can I show a matrix of type -cell- in a msgbox?
Hello Pedro Guevara I understood your problem, but I dont know the axact value of matrix 'Yp_c' because it is not properly visi...
mer än 5 år ago | 0
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How to split a cell array by format (into columns) using fileread command
Try with this command Data = textread('abc.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', '') Here.. "Data" will be the new cell variable, whi...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
How can I extract line numbers of text data?
Data = textread('portion.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); LineIndex = {}; count = 1; for i=1:length(Data) if ~isempty(...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
extract useful info from text file filled with irrelevant info
use this command.. Data = textread('FileName.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); then apply the logic (FOR and IF loop) accordi...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
How can I import a text file which includes a mix of string and numbers without losing the information if a variable is a strings or a number?
@Guido: For me the command *textScan* is not working, I guess because of some license issue.. So I trying another method as f...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
Is there a way to get a signals properties in Matlab?
It looks like you want to access the datatype of signals added into your BaseWorkSpace. Lets consider if signal "a", "b", "c"...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
Import from data from messy text file
Here is that can help you.. Data = textread('SAMPLE_DATA.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); count=1; newData = {}; for i=1:...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
Actxserver unable to locate Excel workbook
Try replacing the line and check.. xlb = xl.Workbooks.Open(file_name); with xlb = xl.Workbooks.Open('fullpath\file_n...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
At every nth line read n lines together
Hello Shivik, Here is the Logic.. let us consider you have abc.txt file which is having these data.. So apply following lo...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
Reading particular column numbers in Matlab
*You can do this..* Data = textread('abc.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); Make sure that the abc.txt file is present in curr...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
Import button in GUIDE for GUI
Yes, You can type "guide" into MATLAB Command window. Once open, click on tab "Open Existing GUI" It will ask you to selec...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
How can i create multiple choice questions GUI using Guide ?
Hello Prashanth, Check the attached scripts.. Run the Test.m file and see the results.. Go through the logic added into...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
Getting handle of static textbox in MATLAB .
static textbox have the handle name as handle.text, handle.text1, handle.text2 etc.. so first you need to check what is the n...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
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I want to make date on output excel file.
dateArray = xlsread('filename.xlxs','Sheet','A1:A100');
mer än 8 år ago | 0
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Convert Cells with space entry to an empty cell
Hello Caroline, I dont know the direct command similar of what you used. like.. cellNaNReplace() But I am sure, following ...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
unable to load .txt file. it shows the following error
You can do this.. Data = textread('abc.txt', '%s', 'delimiter', '') Make sure that the abc.txt file is present in current...
mer än 8 år ago | 1
Output my cell array or table to a .txt file and preserve the original row and column orientation
Hello M275, for your mentioned C (10x7) string matrix, your code for writing the data into txt file is correct except line...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
I have in my workspace two variables with different length how can I make them have same length in order to plot them in a graph ?
Hello Manny Ram, Let us consider Varibale *A* is having size of *16x30000* and *B* is having size of *9x1200* You can do t...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
How to filter and delete text from a .m file?
Hi Rodriguez, To read your A.m file, you can use this.. Data = textread('A.m', '%s', 'delimiter', ''); All data of fil...
mer än 8 år ago | 0
Sum of array items into another array
for i=1:length(fields(data)) s(i) = sum(eval(['data.speed',num2str(i)])); end
mer än 8 år ago | 0