Gautam Pendse
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How can I make my custom convolutional layer (using dlconv) more memory efficient in order to improve the speed of the backward pass?
Hi Julius, One approach that you can try is to rewrite the code like this: ZChannel2 = Z(:, :, :, 2, :); Z2 = dlconv(double(s...
nästan 4 år ago | 0
Sampling from Posterior Distribution of GPR Model from fitrgp()
Hi Sterling, Here's an example illustrating how to sample from the posterior distribution of a GPR model. The code uses an un...
ungefär 4 år ago | 2
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What is derivative trace in dlgradient function?
Hi Theron, Re: 1. What is derivative trace in dlgradient function? ** Derivative trace is essentially the history containing a...
ungefär 5 år ago | 2
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How to Manually Change dlnet's Learnable Parameters?
Hi Theron, The first syntax for dlupdate may be what you are looking for: https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ref/dlup...
ungefär 5 år ago | 0
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Two Issues about MATLAB's Official Example of GAN
Hi Theron, Re: 2. As I mentioned in another post, the ganLoss(...) function in fact appends a Sigmoid layer at the end of the d...
ungefär 5 år ago | 2
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Gaussian process regression Beta values
Hi Sareena, The initial value for 'Beta' is a vector of all zeros. You can specify an initial value using the 'Beta' name/value...
nästan 6 år ago | 0
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Can I use parallel computing when training a gaussian process with separate length scales for predictors with fitgrp?
Hi Lauri, Even when there are separate length scales for predictors, these are jointly optimized during training. This optimi...
mer än 6 år ago | 0
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Gaussian Process Regression with input-dependent noise (Sigma)
Hi Rick, Incorporating input-dependent noise in a custom covariance kernel is a sensible approach. For a custom kernel, gradi...
nästan 7 år ago | 0
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How to model noise-free case and to obtain Covarince matrix after performing Gaussian process regression using fitrgp
You can set 'Sigma' to a small value and set a name value pair called <https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/fitrgp.html#input_ar...
ungefär 7 år ago | 0
LogLikelihood for Gaussian Process regression (function: `fitgpr`) for given set of hyperparameter
Hi Pankaj, Loglikelihood is not calculated for 'FitMethod','none'. As a temporary workaround, there is an undocumented intern...
ungefär 7 år ago | 0
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How to specify this mixed effects model?
I am guessing the data looks something like this: >> tbl = table(); tbl.Time = repmat(repmat((1:5)',2,1),2,1); tbl.Su...
ungefär 7 år ago | 0
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How to do stepwise knots selection based on AIC/BIC criteria in Linear mixed effect model?
Hi Mithun, You can access model criteria for a LME model via the <https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/linearmixedmodel-class...
ungefär 7 år ago | 0
How can I incorporate spatially correlated data into linear mixed effect model which is fitlmematrix method I am trying to use?
Hi Mithun, One way to approach this problem would be to use fitrgp but with a kernel function that combines Z and R. So if yo...
ungefär 7 år ago | 1
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NaN confidence intervals from fitlme()
Hi KJ, Have a look at the 'StartMethod' name/value pair: https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/fitlme.html#namevaluepairarg...
mer än 7 år ago | 0
Use of fitrgp to solve simple example (Rasmussen book)
Hi Jose, Function fitrgp fits the model by maximizing the marginal log likelihood. In some cases, there could be multiple loc...
nästan 8 år ago | 2
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Estimates from Gaussian Process regression (function: `fitgpr`) for given set of hyperparameter
Hi Pankaj, You probably want to use 'FitMethod','none' in the call to fitrgp. For more info, have a look at the doc for 'FitM...
nästan 8 år ago | 0
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how does one specify a nested covariance pattern in fitlme?
Hi Ben, The specification "(Pitx*DV|animal:APxML)" above has only 1 grouping variable - namely "animal:APxML". So 'Covariance...
mer än 9 år ago | 0
fitlme "Index exceeds matrix dimensions."
Hi Bruno, This doesn't look like the intended behavior but it is difficult to say why you are getting that error. Could you p...
mer än 9 år ago | 0
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How to use the gaussian process regression function in matlab 2015b ?
Replace xd and yd by something like this: xd = linspace(0,10,20)'; yd = fun(xd) + 1*randn(20,1); Rest of the code rem...
mer än 9 år ago | 0
How can put random effects in the formula of Fit linear mixed model?
Have a look at the examples here: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/fitlme.html> You can use "categorical" to work with...
mer än 9 år ago | 0
how does one specify a nested covariance pattern in fitlme?
Hi Ben, Look at the example titled "Split-Plot Experiment" at: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/fitlme.html> Does t...
mer än 9 år ago | 0
How to use the gaussian process regression function in matlab 2015b ?
Hi Regis, Here's how you can reproduce the doc example: % True curve. fun = @(x) x.*sin(x); xx = lins...
mer än 9 år ago | 0
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Kernel custom problem firgp
Hi Miguel, The error that you saw is reported when the gram matrix is close to singular and the noise variance converges to 0...
mer än 9 år ago | 1
Calculating the matrix K at test inputs after training a Gaussian Process with fitrgp
Hi Umberto, There is an undocumented way of calculating what you want. Here is an example: rng(0,'twister'); N = 100;...
mer än 9 år ago | 3
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Discrepancy between ANOVA and fitlme
Hi snj, I noticed the following three differences in the call to anovan and fitlme: 1. The call to fitlme should use restr...
mer än 9 år ago | 3
How do I use the fitlme to fit a a linear mixed-effects model to my data?
Hi Jenny, Your formula 'Rate - Animal * CNO * Condition + (1|MUID)' appears to contain a minus sign after Rate. The syntax re...
ungefär 10 år ago | 0
reference dummy coding with Matlab fitlme
Hi Ryan, You can use categorical or nominal to specify the first category. Here's an example: % 0. Dummy data. rn...
mer än 10 år ago | 0
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