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reward error during training
Hi @기범 In Reinforcement Learning (RL), the reward is a signal that guides the agent’s learning by providing feedback on its act...
14 dagar ago | 0
Clustering method for electrical load forecasting
Hi @JASMIN OTHMAN, Here are some clustering methods with their advantages and how to implement them in MATLAB – Dynamic Tim...
14 dagar ago | 0
Code generation assertion '-1 < fDTypeID' failed in 'b:\matlab\src\slcg_impl\export\include\slcg_impl\rtwgen\rtwsignal.hpp:207'
Hi The error "Code generation assertion '-1 < fDTypeID' failed" in MATLAB typically occurs due to data type mismatches within ...
14 dagar ago | 0
Neural network for lab streaming layer emotiv
Hi @Richard, You can setup Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) for MATLAB by using the “MATLAB interface for liblsl” and resolve the EEG...
14 dagar ago | 0
Is there any way to compute the number of trainable parameters from code in a deep CNN network?
Hi @krishna Chauhan, You can calculate the number of trainable parameters in your Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model usi...
14 dagar ago | 0
Extraneous codegen function definition without associated type definition
Hi @Andrew, The “RootIOFormat” parameter controls how root-level inputs and outputs are handled in the generated C code. It ca...
18 dagar ago | 0
Converting a MATLAB builtin function to C using MATLAB coder
Hi @Juan D Guerrero, The “lowpass” function is not supported for code generation in MATLAB. You can use a different approach ...
18 dagar ago | 0
how to Specify the arguments of imfilter in codegen function ? how to call it with the right parameters ?
Hi @Khaled Aldayeh, The “coder.ceval” function can only be used in the generated code. Therefore calls made to “coder.ceval” i...
18 dagar ago | 0
Trying to capture the build summary using ert_make_rtw_hook
Hi Dawn, Consider the following approaches to capture the build summary: Wrap everything inside your “parfor” in a function....
22 dagar ago | 0
Similink create 2 Initialize Procs
Hi @hoa phan, You can remove the zero-initialization code for internal data in the following ways: Open the Configuration Pa...
22 dagar ago | 0
How to save to mat file sequentially using a loop and simout?
Hi Gustavo, The output from “sim” function is an object which should be stored in a cell array. Furthermore the “filename1(i)...
22 dagar ago | 0
Constant Value Output from matlab Function Block in Simulink
Hi @Daniele Nanni, The “find” function may return an empty array if no elements satisfy the given condition. To resolve this er...
22 dagar ago | 0
Simulink Code Generation Error: Array of Classes Initalization
Hi @MU, The errors you are receiving are because of the variables not being properly instantiated before using them. Please r...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
Matlab Coder, set the size of a formal parameters array as indicated by another formal parameter
Hi @V Latorre, The dimension of “temp” in your code is fixed as “N” is statically defined to be 7. Therefore, when the C code...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
How do I convert a .m with unsupported in-built MATLAB functions to C++
Hi Crownie, For the functions which are not supported for code generation in MATLAB, please follow the below steps: If you ...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
how to change neural network performance function to mape ?
Hi Faezeh, The “performFcn” property of a neural network defines the function used to measure the network’s performance. The p...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
multiplicationLayer - multiply by a constant
Hi Jeffrey, A “multiplicationLayer” multiplies inputs from multiple neural network layers elementwise. You can create a custo...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
getrect and ginput are not supported by codegen
Hi Ricardo, The “ginput” function allows you to graphically select points from a figure using the mouse and the “getrect” fun...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
Passing data by reference to Matlab toolbox functions for code generation
Hi Jakub, You can use the same variable as both an input and an output. This avoids the parameter being passed by value in the...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
How to set an array parameter with variable size for simulink model
Hi, You can use “Simulink.Parameter” object to set the value of one or more block parameters in a model. To get or set the si...
ungefär en månad ago | 0
complex gaussian noise generation
Hi Jetty, The “randn” function in MATLAB generates random numbers drawn from a standard normal distribution (Gaussian distribu...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 0
function pdepe coder generation
Hi Tonghui, The “pdepe” function is not supported for code generation so it cannot be used while generating dynamic library u...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 0
Out of Memory during serialization of the subsystem data - reinforcement learning
Hi Charissa, The error you are facing while saving agents during training is because of insufficient disk space. While creati...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 0
How to save state in reinforcement learning
Hi Ryunosuke, To save an agent while training you can use “SaveAgentCriteria”, “SaveAgentValue” and “SaveAgentDirectory” prope...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 0
Creating Visual studio project with MATLAB coder generated code
Hi Kaushik, Visual Studio is unable to open the “dspfft.dll” library, which is causing the error you are encountering. To setu...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 0
Working in MATLAB CODER with arrays using after calllib and DLL library. Wrong output
Hi Bob, While using MATLAB coder to generate dynamic library (DLL), the input parameter dimensions need to be specified corre...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 0
how to specify this field as a cell containing a structure
Hi Li Cookie, When using the “objectDetection” object, the “ObjectAttributes” property must be specified as a scalar structure...
ungefär 2 månader ago | 0
How to create an custom Reinforcement Learning Environment + DQN agent
Hi Vartika To create a custom reinforcement learning environment and train deep Q-Network agent please follow the below steps:...
2 månader ago | 0
Using tapped delays in the process of training an artificial neural network for the purpose of dynamic system modeling.
Hi Alirea, You can use a time delay neural network (TDNN) which is specifically designed to handle temporal sequences by using...
2 månader ago | 0
Generating a C code DLL for an S-function with continuous states
Hi Vighnesh, The “RTWSolverInfo” and associated functions like “rtsiGetT()” are part of the Real-Time Workshop (RTW) infrastru...
2 månader ago | 0