Using the clear command in functions?
Becuase clc, clear clears your input variables which are saved in the workspace. You need not to use it inside the function. ...

7 månader ago | 1

Error using surf Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector.
You have to use X and Y i.e matrix in the calculation Z. x=(0:0.1:pi); y=(0:0.1:pi); [X, Y]= meshgrid(x,y); Z=(sin(0.3*X)+(...

8 månader ago | 0

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How to fill/interpolate missing data to nearest geospatial coordinate?
% Prepare dummy data [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:10,1:10) ; Z = rand(size(X)) ; % Make random nan's idx = sort(randsample(numel(X...

8 månader ago | 0

Loading a .fig file in MATLAB without losing information
h1 = openfig('test1.fig','reuse'); % open existing/ saved figure ax1 = gca; % get handle to axes of figure h2 = figure; % cr...

9 månader ago | 1

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How to get the plot x&y when a user clicks on a point I have plotted
REad about getpts

9 månader ago | 0

I wonder how to make the lines thicker in rlocus graph
sys = tf([2 5 1],[1 2 3]); rlocus(sys) set(findall(gca, 'Type', 'Line'),'LineWidth',5);

9 månader ago | 0

How to get output of multiple variables in xls
Let the variables be x, y, z. T = table(x,y,z) ; writetable(T,'text.xlsx')

10 månader ago | 0

FE triangle mesh without the mesh node connections visible
h1 = trisurf(meshConnections, X, Y, Z, permittivity); h1.EdgeColor = 'none' ;

10 månader ago | 0

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Searching a string on a table to get time
You may try using functions like contains, strcmp T = readtable('

10 månader ago | 0

Why dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type using EMD method in MATLAB R2019a version ? What can I do?
It seems IMF is not a sturcutre. Check class(IMF) If it is double. Try max(IMF)

11 månader ago | 0

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How to plot the graph from the data table as attached.
load matlab.mat ; x = LineProfile.(1) ; y = LineProfile.(2) ; plot(X,y,'r') hold on plot(x,smooth(y),'b')

11 månader ago | 0

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Matlab Error (Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector.)?
P_air = .1:.1:4; alpha = .0125:.0125:.5; [alpha,P_air] = meshgrid(alpha,P_air); T_air_dry = (1/0.0408)*log((0.42*P_air.*(1-al...

11 månader ago | 1

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I am having a problem using corelation with table variables.
M(k,p) = corr(data_array1.(1),data_array2.(1)) OR M(k,p) = corr(table2array(data_array1),table2array(data_array2))

11 månader ago | 1

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How to assign a mean of a variable to every year ?
T = readtable(myfile) ; [c,ia,ib] = unique(T.(1)) ; % gewt unique values of years N = length(c) ; iwant = zeros(N,2) ; ...

11 månader ago | 1

Finding the roots for an equation
syms x a eqn = x^4+5*a*x^2+6*a==0 ; s = solve(eqn,x)

12 månader ago | 0

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Right hand side of an assignment into a table must be another table or a cell array.
bias = table('Size',[1,11], 'VariableTypes', {'datetime', 'string', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', ...

12 månader ago | 0

Filtering Values in Matlab in the Same Matrix Size
A = [2 5 8; 2 6 7; 1 9 5] ; A(A<=5) = 0

12 månader ago | 0

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How do you plot a line on a function defined by colors?
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(100) ; contourf(X,Y,Z)

12 månader ago | 0

Plotting a cartesian equation with an imaginary component of 0*1i
c = 4+1i*0 ; plot(real(c),imag(c),'*r')

12 månader ago | 0

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How can I generate a 3D torus taking a function as the torus shape?
R1 = 3 ; R2 = 1 ; u = linspace(0,2*pi-eps) ; v = linspace(0,2*pi-eps) ; [u,v] = meshgrid(u,v) ; X = (R1+R2*cos(v)...

12 månader ago | 0

Interpolate MATLAB geoscatter/geoplot data to estimate average wind speeds in the Gulf of Mexico?
REad about scatteredInterpolant, griddata.

12 månader ago | 0

Plotting my own validation and loss graph while training a CNN
[net,info] = traiNetwork() ; % you need to train the network rmse = info.TrainingRMSE ; % get the RMSE curve from info ep...

12 månader ago | 0

Why won't my plot start 0 and increase to 0.005 like my Ld
clc; clear all ; % url = '' ; % T = we...

nästan ett år ago | 0

Writing into excel sheet from matlab
N = 10 ; iwant = zeros(N,1) ; for i = 1:N iwant(i) = i ; end T = table(iwant) ; writetable(T,'Test.xlsx')

ungefär ett år ago | 0

I am trying to read xlsx file data into MATLAB environment, not able to read xlsx variables more than 10.
Don't use xlsread, it is obselete. Use readtable.

ungefär ett år ago | 0

Select images from a folder based on their similarity.
Read about ssim.

ungefär ett år ago | 0

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Plotting a time series e^(-at) cos⁡((bt) u_s (t)) for two cases, first for a=3 and b=50, then for a=-3 and b=50.
clc; clear ; a1=3; b1=50; a2 = -3; b2= 50; t = linspace(0,1) ; f1 = exp(-a1*t).*cos(b1*t) ; f2 = exp(-a2*t).*cos...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

How can i calculate max correlation and time delay between two signals?
REad about crosscorr.

ungefär ett år ago | 0

how to remove a particular season values from monthly time series?
thedates = (datetime(2003,1,1):days(30):datetime(2023,12,31))' ; idx = thedates.Month == 1 | thedates.Month == 2 | thedates.Mo...

ungefär ett år ago | 1

Segment distance along path (imported from kml) using mapping toolbox
This should be useful for you:

ungefär ett år ago | 1

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