storing image information in a 2-d array
Hello, That's true. You can use *blockproc* from Matlab. It's simple to use. B = blockproc(A,[M N],fun) *A* is in...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

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vector median filter
for 1D median filtering, Matlab has command *medfilt1* Eq: medfilt1([4 3 5 2 8 9 1],3) ans = 3 4 3 ...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

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is there an alternative of thresholding an image automatically rather than setting it manually?
Actually function *im2bw* automatic select threshold value if you do not pass any parameter except the input image. Or try...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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To extract the random integer into a file
If you get a little confused with fread and fwrite, then you can try another command *fprintf* n *fscanf* Here I give you...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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To extract the random integer into a file
You can use *fwrite* command to write array into binary file. And you can use *fread* to read data from binary file

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

counting the number of objects
Hello, Pat. It is possible to count the nails. You just need to perform some morphologichal operations, such as erosio...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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shape based object identification from an image?
Have you check this??

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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select data from specific range
If size of i and j are same, then f = load('200012.txt'); lat = f(:,1); lon = f(:,2); sla = f(:,3); i = 2...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

select data from specific range
Hello, I have a text file formated : 1 90 100 1 96 101 1 95 102 2 ...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

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Circle packed with Circles
Here the code : First, you need to create a m-file function [X Y] = circle(center,radius,n) THETA = linspace(0, 2...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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Circle packed with Circles
Hello, Did you meant?? With diameter = 3 <<>> ...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

Error-Reference to non-existent field
No, I have checked your file 'DisA.mat' and there is no variable named 'DisA'. It's better if you try to change your code : ...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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Hello, I just use video 'xylophone.mpg' from Matlab. You can use your own video [any .avi, .mpg, etc] from your drive. ...

ungefär 13 år ago | 4

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selecting an image from folder
Then you just need to pass your feature vector 1x80 and feature vector of query image in suppose that dataset1 is feature...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

circle centered on the object
Here the code if you consider to use rectangle I = imread('di-5Y01.jpg'); object = imread('obiect1.jpg'); [m n o] = s...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

circle centered on the object
Hello, Why don't you use rectangle?? Why must circle?? I have my code detect the exact area if you consider to use rectang...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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selecting an image from folder
path='D:\photos\'; jpeg_files = dir(fullfile(path,'*.jpg')); for cnt = 1 : 21 I{cnt} = imread(fullfile(path,j...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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Image Processing - How to separate barcode from the background
Hello, Kim Here I have the code to do segmentation on your barcode image. I hope this helps rgb = imread('

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

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circle centered on the object
Hello, It's quite simple. You just need to increase or decrease the 'corr_offset' values with small random value. I = im...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

identifying objects in a picture containing several objects
Just the same code. You just need to change the I and J with your 'reference' image and the object clear; clc; I...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

identifying objects in a picture containing several objects
Hello, Why don't you use command 'normxcorr2' from Matlab?? Here I have a sample code : clear; clc; I = imread...

ungefär 13 år ago | 5

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matrix manipulation
Just use [] for any column or row that you want to remove. Eq : A = round(10*rand(10)); B = A; B(3, :) = []

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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Handle 2 axes in one GUI
Hello, I have modified your code :

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

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Opening a file and loading a function from another script
Hello, Dan I have a function file named 'fun1.m' stored in any folder. The function 'fun1' takes 2 input argument [x and y...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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Cut An Image
clear; clc; I = imread('tamp9f.png'); Icrop = imcrop(I); bw = im2bw(Icrop); imshow(bw); pause; Ifill = imf...

ungefär 13 år ago | 3

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writing a cat file
Hello, Pat I just give you small example. Then, I hope you can use it or do modification on it for your purpose. cle...

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

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writing an image into a new folder
Maybe you are seeking for this sample code : clear; clc; I = imread('peppers.png'); J = imread('onion.png'); K...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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Display JPEG file in GUI
Fisrt you need to read your image that saved in your drive. Eq : I = imread('C:\My Document\Filename.jpg'); imsho...

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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Group string based on charachter
a='1/23s'; i = findstr(a,'/') b = a(1:i-1) c = a(i+1:end)

ungefär 13 år ago | 2

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intersection of multiple images
I got little confused with your question. Let me pick one picture. <<

ungefär 13 år ago | 1

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