
Linear Least Squares (L2 fitting problem )
Given a set of real measurements (x(i), y(i)) find a line sol(1)x + sol(2) (more specifically furnish the vector with...

mer än 6 år ago


Calculate solution of given polynomial
For example, y=function([3 -2 -4]) In here, input vector indicate 3*x^2-2*x-4, y is solution of former equation. y=[1.5...

mer än 6 år ago


i forgot to use capital I
When referring to yourself you should write "I" (capital) and not "i". So correct the input string x, but be aware that other u...

mer än 6 år ago


Calculate cosine without cos(x)
Solve cos(x). The use of the function cos() and sin() is not allowed.

mer än 6 år ago


Can we make a triangle?
Given three positive number, check whether a triangle can be made with these sides length or not. remember that in a triangle su...

mer än 6 år ago


Solve expression II
Solve given expression. alpha=0.1(-x-y-50)/(exp((-x-y-50)/10)-1) beta=5exp((-x+y-60)/20) result=alpha+beta;

mer än 6 år ago


Sum positive elements of matrix.
Calculate sum of positive elements of the matrix.

mer än 6 år ago


Pointwise multiplication of vectors.
Pointwise multiplication of vectors x and y. Example x= [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19] y=[ 1 4...

mer än 6 år ago


Calculate inverse matrix in m by n matrix
x=(1:10)' y=roundn(2*x+7*rand(size(x)),-1) a*x=y Estimate a using inverse matrix calculation. This is principle of li...

mer än 6 år ago


Set x value to each even index of vector y.
Set x value to each even index of vector y.

mer än 6 år ago


Change matrix to vector2
From x = 4 3 5 1 5 1 To y = 4 3 5 1 ...

mer än 6 år ago


Change matrix to vector
Vector is a matrix whose size is 1 x n or n x 1. Change matrix to vector. x = 4 3 5 1 ...

mer än 6 år ago


Calculate some equation
Using given inputs x and z, make two outputs that are y1 = (xz)/(x/z)^2 + 14x^2 - 0.8z^2 y2 = x^z - z^x + (x/z)^2 - (z/x...

mer än 6 år ago


How to calculate log?
There is a log that have base 5. How to calculate? log5(x)?

mer än 6 år ago


Display positive elements of matrix.
Display positive elements of matrix.

mer än 6 år ago


Compare two strings.
Compare two strings, whether they are equal or not.

mer än 6 år ago


Create Truth Table of Size according to input
Create a Truth Table Example: n = 3 output = [0 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 0; 0 1 1; 1 0 0; 1 0 1; 1 1 0; 1 1 1]

mer än 6 år ago


Select primes from the matrix.
Select primes from the matrix.

mer än 6 år ago


Set x value to each odd index of vector y.
Set x value to each odd index of vector y.

mer än 6 år ago


Delete x value in given vector y.
Delete x value in given vector y. Exapmle x=5; y=[ 1 2 5 6 74 5 2 5] result=[1 2 6 74 2]

mer än 6 år ago


Slope of the line passing through two points
Determine the slope of a line passing through the points a=[x1 y1] and b=[x2 y2].

mer än 6 år ago


Print true if
all elements are larger than 5 a=[1 3 5 8 6]; b=[6 6 6 6 6]; function(a) should be false, and function(b) will be tru...

mer än 6 år ago


A little bit of luck needed
This one may require a little bit of guess work, but it is possible. Hints: - The same solution might fail the tests once and ...

mer än 6 år ago


Finding two missing number in 1 to n array
You are given an array of numbers from 1 to n with two missing numbers. Return the two missing numbers. Input: x=[5 2 0 1 ...

mer än 6 år ago


Find hen's weight.
If hen weights x kilos on two legs, how much does it weights on one leg? Output the result.

mer än 6 år ago


Remove all the columns contains only zero
Remove the column from the matrix which has only zeros . Refer the Example below a= 1 0 3 0 23 0 56 0 1 ...

mer än 6 år ago


Calculate sin(x) without sin(x)
Calculate y = sin(x) x = 0 -> y= 0 without the use of sin(x) or cos(x)

mer än 6 år ago


Bubble sort
Write your own bubble sort function ( <>) to sort all elements in x in ascending order....

mer än 6 år ago


Avengers Assemble!
Given matrix with so many zeroes, trim those zeroes and output a matrix joining all nnz elements Example: input = [0 0 0 0 0...

mer än 6 år ago


Find the sum of the negative elements under the main diagonal.
Example Input A=[1 2; -3 0] Output -3

mer än 6 år ago

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