
Jill Reese

Active since 2011

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Python, C++, C, Java, Javascript, Go, MATLAB, SQL, HTML, CSS, Shell, Perl, Fortran
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  • 6 Month Streak
  • Revival Level 1
  • Knowledgeable Level 4
  • First Answer

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GPU, Interpn and Meshgrid
If you look at the help for gpuArray/interpn in R2014a it shows an example of 4D interpolation. My theory is that your inputs t...

ungefär 10 år ago | 0

Can I have 8 workers on a quad-core processor?
When determining the default size of the local cluster, MATLAB uses the number of true cores you have (hyperthreading is ignored...

ungefär 10 år ago | 5

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MATLAB R2014a in Ubuntu 14.04 doesn't recognize NVIDIA GeForce GTX770
Yes, it is because you are using the "nouveau" driver. You need to get a compute driver from the <

ungefär 10 år ago | 0

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Parfor loop variable cannot be classified
The parfor variable classificiation is getting confused by the type of indexing you are performing with the microMovie variable....

ungefär 10 år ago | 3

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question regarding what is allowed in a parfor loop
This documentation is trying to explain when local variables defined in a parfor loop body are available for use outside the par...

ungefär 10 år ago | 0

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Parfor error with bsxfun
I think that the parfor analysis is getting a bit confused by the multidimensional indexing into var2. If you re-write the code...

ungefär 10 år ago | 1

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classification error: slicing struct for parfor loop
It might help to store parforloopData(i,1) in a temporary variable inside the loop, use the temporary variable everywhere, and t...

mer än 10 år ago | 1

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Hyperthreading & Number of Cores. Parallel computing toolbox
From the MATLAB desktop Parallel menu, select Create and Manage Clusters (or if you are using MATLAB version R2018a or earlier,...

mer än 10 år ago | 10

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CPU vs GPU - Is it reasonable?
While I can't comment exactly on the CPU/GPU comparison for your specific setup, I can say that the general rule of thumb in GPU...

mer än 10 år ago | 4

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Parallelization of matrix definiton
Without more context for your problem I cannot be sure, but you may find using distributed arrays inside an spmd block to be mor...

mer än 10 år ago | 1

Error using gpuArray/arrayfun ... Use of functional workspace is not supported.
As of the latest MATLAB release (R2013b) arrayfun on the GPU does not support anonymous functions that have been created using v...

nästan 11 år ago | 1

When calling the matlabpool to work in parallel, does each worker work in single-thread mode?
Workers are started up in single-thread mode in order to avoid over-subscribing the machine and negatively impacting performance...

nästan 11 år ago | 1

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gpuArray colunwise opertations on matrix ?
It looks like you could set up all the data in one pass. You might try organizing your data such that the matrix to use for c...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

Are parallel for loops available on GPUs ?
While there is no general capability to execute for loops directly on the GPU, if all of the operations inside the for loop are ...

ungefär 11 år ago | 0

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Can matlab's parallel computing toolbox lu factorizes a large sparse matrix on GPU
The Parallel Computing Toolbox does not support sparse matrices on the GPU.

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

Matrix multiply slices of 3d Matricies
If you have MATLAB R2013b, you can use the new gpuArray pagefun function like so: C = pagefun(@mtimes, A, B);

ungefär 11 år ago | 1

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Memory leaks in simple MEX function
There is a known memory leak in R2013a only. If possible, I would apply the patch associated with external bug report 954239 to...

ungefär 11 år ago | 2

Matrix operations with Parallel Computing Toolbox
A number of MATLAB functions are multithreaded, and matrix multiplication (*) is one of them. This is what you are seeing durin...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

Benchmarking A\b on the GPU runs on CPU in parallel?
The CPU portion of this benchmark is multithreaded, so you should see more than one core working during the linear system solve....

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Does copying from gpu to host generally take longer than copying from host to gpu?
I think you have arrived at the same conclusion as this blog post on GPU performance. It provides a lot of detail on how to pro...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

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why code using parallel processing has longer running time than the other?
There is some confusion here regarding distributed arrays, both in the initial post and in the answer by David Sanchez. Distrib...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Can I run mex functions (containing no CUDA code) using arrayfun
You cannot run a Mex function using gpuArray/arrayfun. In fact, this is specified in the help for gpuArray/arrayfun: FUN...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

why using gpu.Array.zeros I have error Undefined variable "parallel" or class "parallel.gpu.gpuArray.zeros" ?
What version of MATLAB are you using? In R2010b-R2012a releases, the GPU object was named parallel.gpu.GPUArray. In those ...

mer än 11 år ago | 2

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1) Why for dense matrices it's not useful to split B? 2) What are the factors that determine the speed up for the sparse case?
I'll have to leave your second question for someone else to answer, as I am not sure of the details. As for your first question...

mer än 11 år ago | 2

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Is it possible to perform parallel computing with lsqnonlin?
In the latest release (R2013a), lsqnonlin does not support parallel computations. The most up-to-date information on what opt...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

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Missing USEParallel Parameter from BLOCKPROC function in my matlab
The UseParallel option to blockproc was added in MATLAB version R2011b. That is why you are seeing an "unknown parameter" err...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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Need help about how to use gpu in for loop
I do not believe that there is GPU support for the functions you have mentioned from the Signal Processing Toolbox (modulate, de...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Matlab + CUDA slow in solving matrix-vector equation A*x=B
To get accurate timings for GPU calculations you need to be sure to wait for the GPU to finish. You should modify all your timi...

mer än 11 år ago | 1

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Codistributed arrays taking too long to run
Here is an example of how to properly benchmark an operation on distributed arrays: <

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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When to use codistributed arrays
Distributed arrays are most useful when you do not have enough memory to store an entire array on a single machine. By distribu...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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