
edward holt

Last seen: mer än 3 år ago Active since 2020

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Maximum value in a matrix
Find the maximum value in the given matrix. For example, if A = [1 2 3; 4 7 8; 0 9 1]; then the answer is 9.

ungefär 5 år ago


Return area of square
Side of square=input=a Area=output=b

ungefär 5 år ago


Find all elements less than 0 or greater than 10 and replace them with NaN
Given an input vector x, find all elements of x less than 0 or greater than 10 and replace them with NaN. Example: Input ...

ungefär 5 år ago


Return the largest number that is adjacent to a zero
This example comes from Steve Eddins' blog: < Lear...

ungefär 5 år ago


Find the longest sequence of 1's in a binary sequence.
Given a string such as s = '011110010000000100010111' find the length of the longest string of consecutive 1's. In this examp...

ungefär 5 år ago


Row & Column Wise Normalisation
Objective: Normalise a matrix such that all rows and columns sum to 1. The below normalises each column, then row and repeats u...

ungefär 5 år ago | 1 answer | 1




Find the numeric mean of the prime numbers in a matrix.
There will always be at least one prime in the matrix. Example: Input in = [ 8 3 5 9 ] Output out is 4...

ungefär 5 år ago


Remove all the consonants
Remove all the consonants in the given phrase. Example: Input s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill'; Output s2 is 'a ...

ungefär 5 år ago


Fibonacci sequence
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number. Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... Examples: Inpu...

ungefär 5 år ago


Determine whether a vector is monotonically increasing
Return true if the elements of the input vector increase monotonically (i.e. each element is larger than the previous). Return f...

ungefär 5 år ago


Who Has the Most Change?
You have a matrix for which each row is a person and the columns represent the number of quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies t...

ungefär 5 år ago


Column Removal
Remove the nth column from input matrix A and return the resulting matrix in output B. So if A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; ...

ungefär 5 år ago


Add two numbers
Given a and b, return the sum a+b in c.

ungefär 5 år ago


Select every other element of a vector
Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-numbered elements, s...

ungefär 5 år ago


Triangle Numbers
Triangle numbers are the sums of successive integers. So 6 is a triangle number because 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 which can be displa...

ungefär 5 år ago


Make a checkerboard matrix
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix made up of alternating ones and zeros as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 1. Examp...

ungefär 5 år ago


Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

ungefär 5 år ago


Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

ungefär 5 år ago


Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

ungefär 5 år ago

How to set x axis using xticks?
xlim([0 24]) Sets the limits of the axis to run from 0 - 24 xticks([]) governs where there are tick marks.

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

how to create a function, and make the function to take items as its only parameter
The below should do it. x = str2double(inputdlg('number of items purchased:')) % asks for the number of items purchased, and c...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

| accepted

What is suitable script for the question?
Short answer: script 1. x = linspace(0,pi,100) creates a vector with 100 values in between 0 and pi, so when plotting y and z...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

How to calculate and store the sum of different column combinations in a matrix?
A similar question has been asked here. Finding out which combination yields the maximum can be done without summing all possib...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

| accepted

How to find similar indices in two vector
There is probably a better (faster) way than this. But it seems to work. A = randi(1,10000,1); B = zeros(60000,1); %inserti...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

Setting up and plotting functions
It's rough, but I'm also quite new to Matlab. You answered your own question - you do need to define x, a, b and c. x needs to...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

| accepted


Identifying significantly different pairs from multcompare output
Data attached. Using R2019a I am trying to identify from the 'c' output of multcompare the significantly different pairs (i.e....

ungefär 5 år ago | 1 answer | 0

