
Manish M

Active since 2019

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How to run a deployed program on BeagleBoard Hardware (Ubuntu)
Hi Pierre Simulink generates a .elf file and stores it in the target's ~/ directory. So you can just create an SSH Connection t...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

I cannot get MATLAB to see my beaglebone black
Hi Kurt, I know this is a late reply but this might be useful for someone else. For MATLAB to detect your Beaglebone you've to ...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

Can I store information inside Beaglebone black hardware
In MATLAB Support Package there is a putFile() method which can be used to transfer files from your host to Beaglebone. or alter...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

Run simulink model on beaglebone black
The Embedded Coder Support Package for Beeaglebone Black is compatible with Debian 8.3 (not sure about the minor version but som...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

my question is i need to know if the BeagleBone blue is need a toolbox to run it in matlab simulink
Yes, it requires the Simulink Code Support Package for Beaglebone Blue.

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

How to turn off autocomplete in a live script
Hi Frederick, Go to Home > Preferences (under Environment Section) > MATLAB > Keyboard > Under Live Editor and App Designer > S...

ungefär 5 år ago | 2

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Wireless network coding for source and receiver
Hi Sandunika, Visit this link TCP/IP Socket Communications in MATLAB. There is a server and client implementation written in MA...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

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How to segment Gray image using autoamte thrsholding without manual threshold [based on image- image was dynamic ]?
Hi You can use Otsu's thresholding technique. It chooses a threshold that minimizes the intraclass variance of the thresholded ...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

converting lat,lon column vectors to corresponding grid vector (lon*lat)
lat_lon = lat*lon'; sz = size(lat_lon); lat_lon = reshape(lat_lon, [sz(1)*sz(2), 1]); size(lat_lon); %(35*33)x1 This gives...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

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Does MATLAB's disparity function (semiglobal) use the Birchfield-Tomasi pixel cost?
You are correct, it uses cv::stereosgbm which uses the Birchfield-Tomasi matching cost.

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

Pixel's edge strength
Hi There is no such thing as a pixel's edge strength. You would just compare the pixel value with the threshold. If you are try...

ungefär 5 år ago | 0

Image feature extraction calculation
Hi Image contrast: image_contrast = max(grayImage(:)) - min(grayImage(:)); Correlation Coefficient: It is calculated b/w two i...

ungefär 5 år ago | 1

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