Slider for Multiple Plots in GUIDE
Something very similar that I've found helpful is available at <

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Can I Use the Special Function Keys to Interrupt a Script?
Ctrl+C will kill a running script/function

mer än 11 år ago | 0

Accessing cell array via factor/index
You're pretty close in your attempt; it's tricky with the cell indexing and without using strcmp. How about trying this % ...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

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Dimension mismatch for using Runge Kutta 4 order methods
If dx/dt = [0,0,.4,0] for a vector x, then the exact solution is x(t) = [x0, x1, 0.4*t+x2, x3] where x0,x1,x2,x3 are initi...

mer än 11 år ago | 0

IQ test, why does matlab see different answers?
Your inner loop should run from j = 1:c not j = i:c

mer än 11 år ago | 2

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std of a logical matrix
From <> sigmasPositive = zeros(1,4...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

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Standard deviation of a 3-d matrix
If y is 200-by-1-by-4, you can get rid of the singleton dimension using y2D = squeeze(y); then compute the 4 different s...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

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How can I create image from 2d matrix?
As a first attempt, try replacing image with imagesc which scales the colormap to the range of values in the ma...

nästan 12 år ago | 0

Error while trying to code the Newton Method for a System of Equations
The first time you enter the while loop, you are comparing scalars (assuming the input TOL is a scalar). However, when you over...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

Deleting zeros and NaN in a matrix
Try A(any(isnan(A),2)|any(A==0,2),:) = []

nästan 12 år ago | 3

Use cells rather than matrices to sort a matrix into 255 separate lists
If I understand your question, the following may help % create array like yours... n-by-5, last column has index of "bin" w...

nästan 12 år ago | 0

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Set current figure without making it visible
Perhaps figure(myPicture), set(myPicture,'visible','off') then when you want set(myPicture,'visible','on')

nästan 12 år ago | 0

disp some number with loop for
If you need the number of zeros before the decimal place and after to be exactly as you indicated in the original question, try ...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

loop for clock in MATLAB
Try running this script... It has some ideas you might use, but it is hardly optimal. startTimeString = '12:00'; stopTi...

nästan 12 år ago | 0

Is there a way to linearly interpolate dates and times?
If you convert the dates to serial date numbers as the cyclist suggests, then you might be able to benefit from this example... ...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

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How to overwrite some workspace variables in a dynamic program?
Both ideas are good. If 2. doesn't work, try clear('var_name') or clear var_name

nästan 12 år ago | 0

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eliminating, whenever is necessary the first column in nun where [num,txt,raw]=xlsread('data.xlsx');
I like your approach. try if all (isnan(num(:,1)) | num(:,1) == 0) num(:,1) = []; end note that there may s...

nästan 12 år ago | 0

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How can't a matrix be generated randomly?
If I understand you correctly, each column represents a different trial. What does the iteration variable n (going from 1 to 2....

nästan 12 år ago | 0

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treating NaN as a unique value (instead of as a distinct)
Write this function... function y = myUnique(x) y = unique(x); if any(isnan(y)) y(isnan(y)) = []; % remove...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

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look for partial variable name match
I assume that by "a string arrays of names" you mean a cell, call it C, whose contents are strings. For example, something like...

nästan 12 år ago | 0

When to accept an answer for someone
Such functionality should not have been implemented, IMO.

nästan 12 år ago | 1

How do you make a callable object?
The following class can be used to create a callable object. The key is to overload the subsref function with a class method. ...

nästan 12 år ago | 2

Adding up sizes of cell arrays
I assume you have a 1-by-NumberOfClasses cell array called CellArray. Furthermore, I assume that each element of CellArray c...

nästan 12 år ago | 2

How to access specific data when using "getfield"
If I understand your question, this may work... for i=1:10; myData(:,i) = getfield(Charge,strcat('Curve',int2str(i)));...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

To convert cell to matrix use the cell2mat functions. For example, mean(cell2mat(Raw(:,7)))

nästan 12 år ago | 1

Deleting multiple cell rows after using uiimport
If C is a cell, delete rows j through k using C(j:k,:) = []; % note use of parentheses and not braces to index

nästan 12 år ago | 1

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Combine arrays
@Sean's answer is great. (That's my vote up there...) To suggest other ways to plot arrays on the same axis, try Approa...

nästan 12 år ago | 0

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Loop / Repeat if random number = 0
Try n = round(200*rand); while (n == 0) n = round(200*rand); end Or, even better, n = randi(200); % gene...

nästan 12 år ago | 1

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How can i calculate e^A*t
Use the expm function for computing a matrix exponential

nästan 12 år ago | 10

Deleting similar rows in Matrices contained in cell
If I understand your objective, try the following arrayOfElements = ['a','b','c','d']; % your initial array indicesOfUni...

nästan 12 år ago | 0

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