
surrounded matrix
With a given matrix A (size m x n) create a matrix B (size m+2 x n+2) so that the matrix A is surrounded by ones: A = [1 2 ...

mer än 5 år ago


Flip the main diagonal of a matrix
Given a n x n matrix, M, flip its main diagonal. Example: >> M=magic(5); >> flipDiagonal(M) 9 24 1 ...

mer än 5 år ago


Reverse the elements of an array
Reverse the order of elements in an array: eg: input X = [ 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9 ] o...

mer än 5 år ago


"mirror" matrix
Create n x 2n "mirror" matrix of this type: Examples For n = 2 m = [ 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 ] For n = 3 m = ...

mer än 5 år ago


Find Rotated Substring
Given a string s1, find if a rotated version of s1 is present in a second string s2. For example, rotated version of some str...

mer än 5 år ago


Reverse the Words (not letters) of a String
*Description* Change the words of a string such that the words appear in reverse order. You may assume that the string is a n...

mer än 5 år ago


Space Saver
Remove all characters that are below a space in ASCII value.

mer än 5 år ago


Set some matrix elements to zero
First get the maximum of each *row*, and afterwards set all the other elements to zero. For example, this matrix: 1 2 3 ...

mer än 5 år ago


Use of regexp
Given a string, containing several sentences, such as: 'I played piano. John played football. Anita went home. Are you safe?...

mer än 5 år ago


Remove NaN ?
input -> matrix (n*m) with at least one element equal to NaN; output -> matrix(p*m), the same matrix where we deleted the enti...

mer än 5 år ago


Remove the air bubbles
Given a matrix a, return a matrix b in which all the zeros have "bubbled" to the top. That is, any zeros in a given column shoul...

mer än 5 år ago


Add more zeros
Find code that adds one 0 to each sequence of 0 in a string (composed with only 0 or 1). For example: '1010' -> '100100' ...

mer än 5 år ago


Split a string into chunks of specified length
Given a string and a vector of integers, break the string into chunks whose lengths are given by the elements of the vector. Ex...

mer än 5 år ago


Find the next Fibonacci number
In the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, every number is the sum of the two preceding ones: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...

mer än 5 år ago


Return the Fibonacci Sequence
Write a code which returns the Fibonacci Sequence such that the largest value in the sequence is less than the input integer N. ...

mer än 5 år ago


Cell Counting: How Many Draws?
You are given a cell array containing information about a number of soccer games. Each cell contains one of the following: * ...

mer än 5 år ago


Fix the last element of a cell array
Note: this is lifted directly from < Puzzler for a Mond...

mer än 5 år ago


Nearest Numbers
Given a row vector of numbers, find the indices of the two nearest numbers. Examples: [index1 index2] = nearestNumbers([2 5 3...

mer än 5 år ago


Find common elements in matrix rows
Given a matrix, find all elements that exist in every row. For example, given A = 1 2 3 5 9 2 5 9 3 2 5 9 ...

mer än 5 år ago


Find the largest value in the 3D matrix
Given a 3D matrix A, find the largest value. Example >> A = 1:9; >> A = reshape(A,[3 1 3]); >> islargest(A) a...

mer än 5 år ago


Return unique values without sorting
If the input vector A is [42 1 1], the output value B must be the unique values [42 1] The *values of B are in the s...

mer än 5 år ago


Matrix indexing with two vectors of indices
Given a matrix M and two index vectors a and b, return a row vector x where x(i) = M(a(i),b(i)).

mer än 5 år ago


Getting logical indexes
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- Logical indexing works like this. thresh = 4...

mer än 5 år ago


Reindex a vector
You are given two vectors of equal length. Vector N has numeric values (no Inf or NaN) while vector IDX has integers. Place th...

mer än 5 år ago


Fill a zeros matrix
The aim is to fill an array of all zeros given a numerical value and the index of row and columns for this value. 3 Inputs: ...

mer än 5 år ago


Magic is simple (for beginners)
Determine for a magic square of order n, the magic sum m. For example m=15 for a magic square of order 3.

mer än 5 år ago


Make a random, non-repeating vector.
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- If you want to get a random permutation of integer...

mer än 5 år ago


Number of 1s in a binary string
Find the number of 1s in the given binary string. Example. If the input string is '1100101', the output is 4. If the input stri...

mer än 5 år ago


Return the first and last character of a string
Return the first and last character of a string, concatenated together. If there is only one character in the string, the functi...

mer än 5 år ago


Getting the indices from a vector
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- You may already know how to <http://www.mathworks....

mer än 5 år ago

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