
length of a vector
Find twice the length of a given vector.

nästan 5 år ago


All your base are belong to us
Find the base _b_ logarithm of the input decimal number _x_. Express the output as a decimal number. The first argument is the n...

nästan 5 år ago


Find out total non zero element of matrix
Find out Non zero element of matrix A=magic(5) 17 24 1 8 15 23 5 7 14 16 4 6...

nästan 5 år ago


Speed of car
Calculate the Speed of car given its Distance travelled and time taken in x and y respectively

nästan 5 år ago


Counting down
Create a vector that counts from 450 to 200 in increments of 10.

nästan 5 år ago


Tell me the slope
Tell me the slope, given a vector with horizontal run first and vertical rise next. Example input: x = [10 2];

nästan 5 år ago


Matlab Basics - Switching Assignments
Switch assignments for variables x and y, for example start with x = 1 and y = 3 end with y = 1 and x = 3 Do NOT simply r...

nästan 5 år ago


Matlab Basics - Pick out parts of a vector
Consider x a vector of length >= 7 (there are at least 7 elements in the vector, write a script that extracts the 2nd element, a...

nästan 5 år ago


determine amount cookies left
started with 3 cookies and you never ate any how many are left

nästan 5 år ago


vectorization in N
For a given integer n (n>1), compute the sum f (i) (1 <= i <= n) where f (i) = 1 if n is odd and 2 otherwise.

nästan 5 år ago


Determine the number of odd integers in a vector
Determine the number of unique odd integers in a vector. Examples: Input x = [2 5 8 3 7 1]; Output y = 4; Inp...

nästan 5 år ago


Find nth maximum
Find nth maximum in a vector of integer numbers. Return NaN if no such number exists. x = [2 6 4 9 -10 3 1 5 -10]; So ...

nästan 5 år ago


Insert zeros into vector
Insert zeros after each elements in the vector. Number of zeros is specified as the input parameter. For example: x = [1 ...

nästan 5 år ago


Matrix indexing with two vectors of indices
Given a matrix M and two index vectors a and b, return a row vector x where x(i) = M(a(i),b(i)).

nästan 5 år ago


02 - Vector Variables 2
Make the following variable: <<>>

nästan 5 år ago


Wind Chill Computation
On a windy day, a temperature of 15 degrees may feel colder, perhaps 7 degrees. The formula below calculates the "wind chill," i...

nästan 5 år ago


Return elements unique to either input
Given two numeric inputs a and b, return a row vector that contains the numbers found in only a or only b, but not both. For ex...

nästan 5 år ago


Return unique values without sorting
If the input vector A is [42 1 1], the output value B must be the unique values [42 1] The *values of B are in the s...

nästan 5 år ago


Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer?
Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer? Examples: Input x = 'Is it Obama?' Output = 'Me!' Input x = 'Who ?' Ou...

nästan 5 år ago


Omit columns averages from a matrix
Omit columns averages from a matrix. For example: A = 16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 ...

nästan 5 år ago


Make a run-length companion vector
Given a vector x, return a vector r that indicates the run length of any value in x. Each element in r shows how many times the ...

nästan 5 år ago


How many trades represent all the profit?
Given a list of results from trades made: [1 3 -4 2 -1 2 3] We can add them up to see this series of trades made a profit ...

nästan 5 år ago


Missing five
Convert decimal numbers to a base-9 notation missing the digit *5* <<>> Too man...

nästan 5 år ago


Pentagonal Numbers
Your function will receive a lower and upper bound. It should return all pentagonal numbers within that inclusive range in ascen...

nästan 5 år ago


Convert a vector into a number
This is a sub problem related to this problem: <>...

nästan 5 år ago


Who knows the last digit of pi?
There is only one man who knows the last digit of pi, who is that man? Give the name of that man, who, by popular believe, can ...

nästan 5 år ago


Find the minimal value in N*N Matrix
Suppose that we have N by N matrix, we try to find the minimal value in that matrix. examples: Input A=[1 2 3 5 6;52 58 56 45...

nästan 5 år ago


Matlab Basics II - Minimum
Write a function that returns the minimum of each ROW of a matrix x example: x = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; output [1;4];

nästan 5 år ago


03 - Matrix Variables 6
Make _fMat_ be a 5x3 matrix of random integers with values from -3 to 3 (Hint: use *randi*)

nästan 5 år ago


Min of a Matrix
Return the minimum value in the given matrix.

nästan 5 år ago

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