
Ananth kumar

Last seen: 2 dagar ago Active since 2023

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Comparing PWM Modulation Techniques for Three-Phase Inverters
Determine Power Losses and THD for PWM Methods - MATLAB & Simulink Example - MathWorks India Above example compares different...

23 dagar ago | 1

Serial communication failed in host-target communication
If COM port is locked by another application, you may likely to see the message. Is this issue still prevails?

6 månader ago | 0

IM or PMSM control with F288379d without using BoostXL
Yes, you can use the F28379d launchpad with your inverter. You can read the ADC of phase currents and output PWM to gate drivers...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

TI Delfino 28379F and BOOSTXL-3PhGaNInv with sensorless BLDC Motor no motor signals
This example should work out of the box. Please check your hardware individually, serial communication, ADC read, PWM. Or try th...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

| accepted

Find the controller coefficients of pi
Speed control of BLDC motor using six-step commutation for control Six-Step Commutation of BLDC Motor Using Sensor Feedback - M...

ungefär ett år ago | 0

Simulation result of the example model: "Frequency Response Estimation of PMSM Using Field-Oriented Control"
Please find the PMSM equation above. Both Vd/Id and Vq/Iq are not same.

ungefär ett år ago | 0