How to pass vector variable in Simulink Bus?
Create Bus Object:Inside the MATLAB Function block, define the bus object using the Simulink.Bus.createObject function. This sho...

8 månader ago | 0

How to pass a struct to a model reference instance?
elems(1) = Simulink.BusElement; elems(1).Name = 'Chirp'; elems(2) = Simulink.BusElement; elems(2).Name = 'Sine'; S...

8 månader ago | 0

Question about a way variable appears
celldisp(Variables) Variables{:}

8 månader ago | 0

for loop does not iterate
x_realroots = x_roots(abs(imag(x_roots)) < 1e-4) % 1e-4 tolerance

8 månader ago | 1

reading vector data sets from simulink model back into matlab .m file to create variable and then manipulate operation of simulink model
why not use a MATLAB Function block in your model and call the script as a function within this block? YOu have two more optio...

8 månader ago | 0

| accepted

Multiplying a cell array element with an element of a matrix gives wrong result
cellarray{this} * vpa(matrix(that))

8 månader ago | 1

record all signals on all hirachies of a Simulink model

8 månader ago | 0

a = 1 : 9; assert(~rem(prod(size(a)), 3), 'not multiples of 3') reshape(a, 3, []) reshape(a.', 3, []) reshape(a, 3...

8 månader ago | 0

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p = perms(-1 : 2 : 1); c = num2cell(p, 2); celldisp(c)

8 månader ago | 0

How do I form a matrix from an array of rows and columns
A(a + (b-1)*size(A,1)) = 0

8 månader ago | 1

Multiplying and finding inverse of a matrix.
It’s inv() not invs()

8 månader ago | 0

I'm new to matlab and I use 2017b version, may I ask why I can't connect the block?
Use a Simulink-PS Converter before you connect to the q port of revolute

8 månader ago | 0

Need to solve Fourier Series script
plot(x,y,'-',x,f,'--',x,g,'-','LineWidth',5); legend('Exact','Fourier (3 terms)','Fourier (6 terms)'); % use this line before ...

8 månader ago | 0

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How to pass multiple signals in Fractional-order Integration in SIMULINK (MATLAB)?
Use a For - Iterator subsystem which encapsulates this Integrator block. For the iterator you need to feed in the output of the ...

8 månader ago | 0

Full Bridge Rectifier simulation

8 månader ago | 0

Matlab function assumed inputs
Use nargin() to determine if number of inputs are less than three assign the default values to alpha and beta else feed in the a...

8 månader ago | 0

My 'to workspace' block isn't working
out.V_BT % in command window to access the values of the variable

8 månader ago | 0

Error: Index exceeds the number of array elements
momentum_def was defined as a scalar before the loop but you are trying to access the second element in the first interation of ...

8 månader ago | 0

Define variable based on input condition
psi = ((0 <= th2) & (th2 < 180)) .* psi_pos + ((180 <= th2) & (th2 < 360)) .* psi_neg; plot(th2, psi)

9 månader ago | 0

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Call Graphics Array to Make Figures Later In Code
h = cell(width(exampledata), 1) % outside loop for k = 1 : width(exampledata) h{k} = fig("Name" + k); % do what you w...

9 månader ago | 0

Obtain your license number by running MATLAB and typing ‘license’ at the command prompt or contact your MATLAB administrator.
As it suggests type license %or ver at the command window

9 månader ago | 0

Piecewise function graph help
F = (r < d) * 0 + ((r >= d) & (r <= r1_max)) .* ((s+2.*sqrt(r.^2-d^2))./(L-s)) + ((r >= r1_max) & (r <= r2_max)) .* ((sqrt(r.^...

9 månader ago | 0

I have two sets of data points named X and Y, each of which is a 730x1 matrix. The data are very close to each other, how can I plot a smooth curve between the data
<> choose the one that suits you th...

9 månader ago | 0

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where is signalbuilder in simulink 2023b
< Signal Editor Block> is recommended than Signal builder blo...

9 månader ago | 0

discrete fixed point and their stability

9 månader ago | 0


Constant block doesn't accept array
Not sure why the constant block doesn;t give the output as array. Is there any to make it possible?

nästan 2 år ago | 3 answers | 0




Why does the output of audioread() gives samples less than shown in audioinfo() ?
for some reason there is no problem in mac but in windows

mer än 2 år ago | 1 answer | 0



Convert time vector of Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minute to Decimal format
doc ymd doc hms

mer än 2 år ago | 0

How to find first instance of a value in array?
help find % read the third explanation

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

How to average certain columns in a matrix
T = array2table(rand(2, 3)) T = [T(:, 1), array2table(mean(T{:, 2 : end}, 2), 'V', {'AVERAGE'})] % where Var1 is the time data

ungefär 3 år ago | 0

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