
Bshara Murr

Active since 2017

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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how to determine the coordinates of points
I = imread('bwimage.jpg'); I = rgb2gray(I); N = bwlabel(I); s = regionprops(N, 'centroid'); XY=[s.Centroid]; XY(...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

| accepted

How to find the dark pixels in an image?
I = imread('shrimp.bmp'); N = I(:,:,3)>100; I(:,:,2) = I(:,:,2)>100; Where the second line treats each color channel se...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

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How can I create an image in MATLAB by creating a 3D RGB matrix and display it in a MATLAB window?
new = 255 * ones(dimensions, dimensions, 3, 'uint8'); new(:,:,2) = 0; imshow(new); The second line sets the green chann...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

I want to count bright spots in a region on an image. How to do it ?
I = imread('microscope.jpg'); gray = rgb2gray(I); binaryImage = gray > 110; imshow(binaryImage); figure; imshow(I); ...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

I have to separate canal edge from the background?Can u provide the steps or function like how to code?
Try this i am not sure if this will help you I = imread(you image gows here); [rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = siz...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

็How can i can write this python code in matlab ?
N = 200; p = 0.02; n = input('enter n:'); wrong_5 = 0; wrong_all = 0; for i = 1:n for j = 1:N ...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

I am not able to get cropped image in subplot? How can I display both original image and cropped image in
You need to specify the cropped region first try something like this: I=imread('D:\canal images\df.jpg'); imtool(I); I2=im...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

why won't this code run?
Probably because you used the same local variable inside the main and nested loop. Try replacing the second i by a j (in every i...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

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How to use multiple sliders to update variables
Hello i am building an application and i need to use sliders to allow the user to change some variables. I wrote a simple code t...

mer än 6 år ago | 0 answers | 0



How can I calculate the resistance of a color coded resistor based on its band color?
First each color is assigned to a number, you can search the internet for those. Now once you have those you start replacing the...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

How can I change this code to plot finger below without line red coler
clc; clear all; close all; fs = 1000; t = 0:1/fs:0.2; Im = 504.38; % Volt f0 = 60 ;% Hz q = 0.5 ; % Volt...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

How to club different images together?
Have you tried imfuse?? however imfuse will change the dimensions of the smaller image and ruin the colors of your image. You ca...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

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Replace specific values in a matrix with zeros
Hello, yes try this: A =[35 1 6 26 19 24; 3 32 7 21 23 25; 31 9 2 22 27...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

how to Isolate person from image and place it on a different background.
Hello again, i solved my problem, in case it is useful for anyone i will be explaining what i did here. The original problem wa...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

How to solve the following non linear system of equations?
Not sure how do you read your system and get 4 equations with 4 unknowns. However for such problems you must use the symbolic to...

mer än 6 år ago | 0

is it same?, using single battery and series/parallel batteries in simulink
Well theoretically speaking the result is the same. What really matters is the capacitance of your battery (how many Ah it holds...

mer än 6 år ago | 0


how to Isolate person from image and place it on a different background.
Hello, my problem is the following, i have images of people in front of a white background, people may be dressed whatever color...

mer än 6 år ago | 1 answer | 0

