
Carlos Guerrero García

Last seen: 6 dagar ago Active since 2022

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sketch the graph of the function: f(x,y)= 1+2x^2+2y^2
The usage of polar coordinates must be useful: [rho,theta]=meshgrid(0:0.1:2,0:pi/60:2*pi); x=rho.*cos(theta); y=rho.*sin(thet...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How do I plot the following function? (I don't have syms function either)
I recommend the usage of the commando called "plot3" r= ... % range for r ux =0.*r % ux must be a vector uy = -0.125.*r+1.125...

mer än ett år ago | 0

how can I use partfrac command?
I suggest the following code: syms s; laplace(ilaplace((8*s^2+37*s+32)/((s+1)*(s+2)*(s+4))))

mer än ett år ago | 0

Draw 3D object.write code in 2016a version. Help me,thanks!
Is the same question that

mer än ett år ago | 0

Draw 3D object. code this in 2016a!
Is this the same question that

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to draw D in 3D ?
There is a wrong sign in the KSVV isolation of z in the first equality, and so, the D1 definition must be D1=(4-X^2-Y^2).^0.5 ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Problem in x and y trajectory.
After the first (x,y,z)=(1,0,1) assignment, the lines before velocity states (X,Y,Z)=(-10,-280; 280-8/3)=(-10,-280,832/3), and s...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How can I graph the following parametric functions on a 3d graph?
And...what about an animation? [THETA,PHI]=meshgrid(0:2*pi/60:2*pi,0:pi/60:pi); for R=0.1:0.01:2; mesh(R.*cos(THETA).*sin...

mer än ett år ago | 0

scatter3 plot to a mesh plot or surface plot
I don't know what kind of surface do you want to add...perhaps something like this??? x = [0 -9 9 0 -9 9 0 -9 9 0 -9 9 0 -9 9];...

mer än ett år ago | 0

how do you graph z=sqrt(9-r^2cos^2(theta))?
I think that Carter Pennington was talking about the parametrized surface x=r*cos(theta) y=r*sin(theta) z=sqrt(9-r^2*(cos(the...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How do I plot x^2+z^2=9 above the xy plane and between y=-1 and y=2?
The z definition z=sqrt(9-x^2) is not for the below part of the surface. I prefer not using symbolic variables for the represent...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Integral for the outer surface area of the part of hyperboloid formed by a hyperbola
Here I post the graph of the two-sheet hyperboloid, using the following lines. I hope it will be useful for another surface of r...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Problems with truncated top of the graph
In the line axis([0 6000 0 6000 0 2500]) delete the limits in the z-axis, i.e. use the following line instead: axis([0 6000 0...

mer än ett år ago | 0

| accepted

integral2 error, bu the function works
A sketch of the function: [x,y]=meshgrid(0:0.01:1); % The region in the statement surf(x,y,1-exp(-0.01*abs(x-y))); % Plotting ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Integral2 Error message
syms x y; int(int(x/y+y/x,1,2),1,4) vpa(ans)

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to fix errors within double integral.
For plotting the region, I suggest the following code: x=-3:0.05:3; % Setting up the range of X y=sqrt(9-x.^2); % Calculating ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Having problems with this triple integral
The exercise ask for the evaluation using cylindrical coordinates and you're not using cylindrical coordinates in your code. Als...

mer än ett år ago | 0

calculating Double integral over a region
When you define "fun", the variable "aa" is undefined yet. Also, because the variables "x" and "y" doesn't appear in the "fun" d...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Error in the script
If you put the title and then plot without "hold on" you never see the title (swap title and plot instructions), but your error ...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Perhaps the following lines will be useful: syms x; % Establishing 'x' as a symbolic variable combine(sin(x)^2,'sincos') % For...

mer än ett år ago | 0

how can I find the surface area and the volume through this code?
The surface which area (and volume) is found, can be visualized using the following code: v =[2;0;1;9;0;1;3;0;1]; % Line in the...

mer än ett år ago | 1

How to plot sin(xy)=sin(x)+sin(y)?
"contour" command provides another way to plot an implicit function defined by an expression like F(x,y)=0. For the implicit fun...

mer än ett år ago | 1

please help me plot this two odefunction yy'+36x=0 and xy'=y^2+y
Your goal is not clear for me, but I try to help. Because we can separate the varaibles in both odes, the general solution of th...

mer än ett år ago | 0

| accepted

Find the value of a
Hi Trenton...!!! You can find my suggestion for an animation plot in

mer än ett år ago | 0

Plotting a section of a hemisphere using parametric equations
Another way for changing the theta and/or phi values is theta=[0:pi/36:2*pi]; phi=[0:pi/36:pi/4]; Anyway, I suggest not to cr...

mer än ett år ago | 0

Matlab to LaTeX
And what about matlab2tikz ???

mer än ett år ago | 0

how to fix my code and how to find the area of the regon
The area can be found as follows (the explanation can be found in any Calculus text. I think that here is not the right place fo...

mer än ett år ago | 0

How to compute the area of cardioid r=2(1+cosx)
I think that you only need a graph (to be included in the statement of an exercise, example,...) I hope the following code will...

mer än ett år ago | 0

I think you're talking about the area of a region bounded by a polar curve (the area of a region bouuded by a curve, not the are...

mer än ett år ago | 0

HELP! Double integration set up!
Just use the "vpa" instruction (variable precision arithmetic) after your script: syms x y int(int(exp(1)^x,x,1,log(y)),1,exp(...

mer än ett år ago | 0

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