

Active since 2017

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How do I make an entity output switch sort entities based on attributes?
Have you had a look at "findgroups". <> Use "splitapply" to furth...

nästan 7 år ago | 0

Importing data from .mat file into uitable
You need to load the .mat file first on to a variable and then use "set". I believe the two links below will help: <https://w...

nästan 7 år ago | 0

how to extract the formula from fit function?
There really isn't a formula for the surface. It's a _piecewise linear_ surface so it's a single formula for a plane at each loc...

nästan 7 år ago | 1

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How cann i get images from HDF5 data?
I think your question might have an answer here: <

nästan 7 år ago | 0

What does this code mean? calllib('phidget21', 'CPhidgetAdvancedServo_setEngaged', handle, 1, 0);
"calllib" is used to call a function in shared library. In your case, 'phidget21' is the name of the shared library. 'CPh...

nästan 7 år ago | 0

For Loop or function for repeating action
You had the right idea. "find" function can be used to find all the rows where ERM == 1,2,.. in a loop and the result can be cal...

ungefär 7 år ago | 0

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How can I shift and add a discrete-time signal simultaneously
In order to simultaneously shift and add two discrete time signals, we can only make use of indices of x1 and x2 which can only ...

ungefär 7 år ago | 0