4,409 results

Simulate satellite beacon signal propagation

Autonomous UAV for Suspicious Action Detection using Pictorial Human Pose Estimation and Classificat

Easily label pushbuttons with (rotated, vertical, or multi-line) text.

buttonIcon = createButtonLabel(string,PVs,figOpt)Have you ever been frustrated by an inability to label a vertically oriented pushbutton or uicontrol with a string? This function is for you!All valid

Plot 2D/3D of vectors, planes, lines, spheres, and... display matrix equations.

. drawPlane.m - Draw 2D/3D plane.3. drawSpan.m - Draw line(2D)/plane(3D) spanned by one (2D/3D) or two (3D) vectors.4. drawLine.m - Draw 2D/3D line between two points.5. drawXLine.m - Draw vertical

Shows y-values of time series in 2D plots by clicking on the axes.

. By clicking repeatedly on different x positions, the labels and reference line come and go.After clicking on top of the reference line, it can be dragged together with the text boxes indicating the



by madhan ravi


It was really difficult to use vertical lines in symbolic plot therefore I created a function to plot it. In my code a person can determine the x-point ,starting point and end point of the line.

3-D Ray Trace


by Charles Rino

3-D Ray Trace function for refractive propagation



by Sww

Plots vertical lines at points defined on the x-axis.

plot_lines(xin) - Plots vertical lines at points defined on the x-axis using red solid lines and the current y-axis limits using a single line handleplot_lines(xin,[a b]) - Plots the lines from a to


Version 1.0.0

by Tor Wager

Core tools required for running Canlab Matlab toolboxes. The heart of this toolbox is object-oriented tools that enable interactive analysis

Adds vertical lines to the current plot.

Adds vertical lines to the current plot. The lines extend to the current y-axis limits.



by Zhang Jiang

errorbar plot for log y scale

ERRORBARLOGY Show the vertical errorbar line in log y scale plot when the data error is larger than data itself.Matlab buidin ERRORBAR does not plot the vertical errobar line in a log y scale plot

Vertical Line in Matlab

vr(xPos) plot a vertical line at xPos getting current axis values with default color gray, line width 1, and a solid line with no markers.However, vr(xPos,varargin) plot a vertical line at xPos

A library for scintillation channel modeling applications.

Simulate Propagation in 2-D

Plot a horizontal or vertical line that spans the current axes.

Plots a horizontal or vertical line that spans the current axes. Accepts formatting specifications like the plot function. Will overwrite existing plots unless "hold on" is called.

The Brick Toolbox is a set of utility functions for Matlab.

Detection of circular objects in a given image using Fisher criterion



by Jos (10584)

Plot horizontal / vertical grid reference lines

GRIDXY(X) plots vertical grid lines at the positions specified by X. GRIDXY(X,Y) also plots horizontal grid lines at the positions specified by Y. GRIDXY(..., 'Prop1','Val1','Prop2','Val2', ...)

Line interval and moving

Line interval and moving with WindowButtonDownFcn, WindowButtonMotionFcn, WindowButtonUpFcn

Plot horizontal and vertical lines

Plot horizontal and vertical lines by specifying vectors of their vertical or horizontal positions, respectively. Other options can be passed to the built-in line function.

Draws a horizontal or vertical line that persists through pans and zooms

VHLINE Draws a horizontal or vertical line that persists through pans and zooms. VHLINE('x',val) draws a vertical line on the current axes that intersect the x axis at the location specified by

Draws 'low-impact' horizontal or vertical lines on the current axes

' object.Further arguments allow the user to set the linetype and color of the line (default is 'r:'), and to add labels. For example:h = vline(42,'g','The Answer')will return a handle to a vertical line at x=42 on

Accurate Curvature and Normals of a line/contour consisting of 2D points

LineCurvature2D, This function calculates the curvature of a 2D line. It first fits polygons to the points. Then calculates the analytical curvature from the polygons. K =

Adds "line marks" in order to label and identify constant values or allows to highlight data intervals

dash-dot line)line_width: Line width for all the linestick_width: Vertical tick widthmark_color: Color for both markers and linesmark_dx: Horizontal spacing between lines and labelsmark_dy: Vertical spacing


Version 2.3

by Pablo P

Librería de análisis estructural matricial en MATLAB

Estimates the corner points of a pixelated convex polygon having a known number of vertices.

point to line distance

Version 1.3.2

by Rik

calculate the distance between a 2D or 3D line and one or more points

You can input either a 2D or a 3D line and 2D or 3D points. This function is an extended version of the line below, with some input checking:distance=norm(cross(v1-v2,pt-v2))/norm(v1-v2)Licence: CC

2-D Propagation Code for propagation in refractive media over irregular surface.

Compute the intersection of a reference line (or line segment) with a polyshape boundary or with a batch of other line segments.

The command linexlines2D() offered in this submission is a flexible tool for computing the intersection points between a reference 2D line segment and a batch of other 2D line segments. Either the

Horizontal Line in Matlab

hr(yPos) plot a horizontal line at yPos getting current axis values with default color gray, line width 1, and a solid line with no markers. However, hr(yPos,varargin) plot a horizontal line at yPos

Get a table of contour line coordinates from a contour object.

getContourLineCoordinates(cm);--or-- contourTable = getContourLineCoordinates(h);contourTable = Level.........Group..........X............Y ____________________________________

Computes intersection points of two curves.

This function computes the (x,y) locations where two curves intersect. The curves can be broken with NaNs or have vertical segments. It is also very fast (at least on data that represents what I

Are 3D-testpoints located inside or outside an arbitrary watertight mesh with vertices and faces?

Computes/applies rotation about arbitrary 3D line.

Generates the roto-translation matrix for the rotation around an arbitrary line in 3D. The line need not pass through the origin. Optionally, also, applies this transformation to a list of 3D

plane_line_intersect computes the intersection of a plane and a segment(or

%plane_line_intersect computes the intersection of a plane and a segment (or a straight line)% Inputs: % n: normal vector of the Plane % V0: any point that belongs to the Plane % P0: end point 1



by Chad Greene

Easily create vertical or horizontal error bars.

A more adaptable, less visually-cluttered version of Matlab's built-in errorbar function. Works with vertical or horizontal error bars. See the documentation page (little light bulb icon) for

Generic functions for matrix manipulation, image processing, etc.

Draws horizontal/vertical lines in graphs. Accept axes handle and allows user to specify label posit

I needed to draw some vertical markers to my plots in GUI, so I checked out Brandon Kuczenski's hline/vline submission. However it doesn't accept axes handle as an input argument. Getting around by

Finds the pairwise intersection points between line segments in 2D Cartesian space.

OUT = LINESEGMENTINTERSECT(XY1,XY2) generates intersection analysis between the line segment sets given in XY1 and XY2. Code can handle coincident and parallel lines.The main emphasis is on speed

The function implements LLBP (Line Local Binary Pattern)

and vertical shaped filter, resulting in "line" shape, for which the name is given.An illustration of Line LBP can be seen here

Simulation of the vertical behavior of vehicles. 3 models are presented, with two, four and seven degrees of freedom respectively.

freedom, relative to the vertical displacement $[Z_s]$ of the suspended mass $[m_s]$, as well as the vertical displacement $[Z_u]$ of the unsprung mass $[m_u]$.The stiffness of the suspension is represented

Used to visualize the vertical structure of underwater temperature data.

This code is designed to visualize the vertical structure of underwater temperature data. This code was specifically designed to be used with data collected using the Lake Michigan Buoy owned and

Rubberband Line


by Sandra Preaux

Draws a rubber band line and returns the x y coordinates of the end points.

[p1,p2]=rbline(varargin)Function to draw a rubberband line and return the start and end points. Usage: [p1,p2]=rbline; or [p1,p2]=rbline(h); where h is an axis handle. Click the mouse in the plot



by Kelly Kearney

Combines line plotting with annotation arrows.

line2arrow.m DocumentationThis line2arrow.m function adds annotation arrows to the end of a line in a 2D Matlab plot. Annotation arrows (created via the Matlab function annotation('arrow', x, y

Plot lines with CData, (actually surface)

plots a 2-D "line" with c-data as colorMakes a surface object and the colouring is controlled by the colormap.Examples: x = 0:0.1:2*pi;color_line(x,sin(x),sin(x))color_line(x,cos(x),cos(x),'*')

Calculates the parameters (and their uncertainties) to data with uncertainties in both coordinates

slope/y-axis intersection pair to slope angle and distance to the origin. The advantages of this are that a) global convergence is assured b) a solution is found even for a vertical line. The complete

Use your custom line style

Use your custom line style with function named plot_dashYou can design your line pattern and its length by the parameter spec_ and num_For instance, Matlab default dashed line ∽ spec_ = [1, 0.5], n

gcbl returns the handle/handles of the current line in the current system.

.% Date : 20-January-2019 07:41:00% Updates : 1. Gives Line handles for the selected line.% 2. If multiple lines are tapped to the single line the



by Oliver Woodford

Improves the style of lines in MATLAB generated eps files

Smooths contour lines by fitting them with a 2-D spline.

V.CONTOURSPLINE(X,Y,Z,[v v]) draws a single contour line at level v.Beware: CONTOURSPLINE smooths contours, but does not magically change terrible data into pleasing data. For terrible data, smoothed contour lines may cross!

Plot a 2D or 3D line using a specified colormap.

% H = colormapline(X,Y,Z,C) Plot a line using a specified colormap% If Z is given, a 3D plot with coordinates X, Y, Z is created.% If Z is not given, a 2D plot of Y over X if created.% If Y and

Finds the intersection of two lines.

line_intersection Finds the intersection of two lines.Syntax[x_int,y_int] = line_intersection(l1,l2)Inputsl1 (1×1, 1×2, 1×3, or 1×4 double) vector defining line 1:[x1]: vertical line form, [m1,b1

kml line plot


by Cameron Sparr

Draw nan-separated lines (or a single line) onto Google Earth.

airplane track). Syntax: KML_LINE(LON, LAT) writes nan-separated lines specified in LON and LAT to an output file, doc.kml KML_LINE(LON, LAT, NAME) writes nan-separated lines specified in LON



by Peter Perkins

Stacked line plot for a timetable

Plot the numeric variables in a timetable against the timetable's time vector. Each variable is plotted as a subplot with its own vertical axis, all aligned to a common time axis. ttplot is for

Generate vertices, faces and color for u3d format and display it in pdf or doc, xls and ppt

Like plot3, but will plot a real (round, flat, triangle, squared) thick shaded 3D line

This function works like plot3, but will display a real 3D round (vessel like), flat, triangle or squared line. Which can be shaded, because the surface is a triangulated patch.

Generate a line profile of a 2d image

Generate a line profile of a 2d image using Bresenham's algorithm.For a demo purpose, trybresenham();

Plots a 3D line with color encoding along the length using the patch function.

This function plots a 3D line (x,y,z) encoded with scalar color data (c). This function is an improvement over the CLINE function previously made available on TMW File Exchange. Rather than using

An alias of the LINE command, with additional control for markers, in number and location.

Allows control of nr of markers, and positioning uniformly along x or along the curve, and with the option to lock on a local max. Accept same inputs as the LINE command, with the additional

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