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With the release of MATLAB R2023a, we also are giving you early access to the new MATLAB Desktop. This includes Dark Mode! Download via Add-on Explorer in MATLAB or find here on File Exchange.
These are some of the many enhancements and new features of the new desktop:
- Dark mode / theme support - Change the colors of the desktop by selecting a dark theme.
- Updated layout - Quickly access tools and change your layout using the sidebar.
- Expanded search capabilities - Easily find actions, settings, and resources using the new universal search box.
- Figure toolstrip - Use the new figure toolstrip to easily modify annotations, text, and line styles, and view generated code.
- Keyboard and screen reader accessibility support - Use a screen reader to interact with the Command Window, Editor and desktop tools.
- Enhanced MATLAB Projects workflows - Collaborate using an improved user interface, manage multiple repositories using the Branch Manager, and investigate project hierarchies using the new Dependency Analyzer view.

Have fun trying it out and let us know what you think!