Problem 47088. Function Call Counter

This problem illustrates advanced use of nested functions and function handles.
Write a function that takes a function handle, F, as input and returns two output arguments, G and C. The first output argument, G, is a function handle that calls F. The second output argument, C, is another function handle that returns the number of times G has been called. Assume that F takes one input argument and returns one output argument.
>> F = @sin;
>> [G,C] = function_call_counter(F);
>> C()
ans = 0
>> G(pi/2)
ans = 1
>> G(-pi/2)
ans = -1
>> G(pi/6)
ans = 0.5000
>> C()
ans = 3

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10.71% Correct | 89.29% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jun 30, 2024

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