Problem 44382. Parse me a Lisp


In Lisp and its variants, function calls are done using parenthesis where the first item in the parenthesis is the function being called and the following items are arguments to the function. Given a mathematical ( + - * / ) expression using this notation, return the result. Note: In Lisp, functions that normally take only two arguments can be called with many arguments, with the function being applied to all elements from left to right.

Simple example

(+ 1 1 1 1 1)

would give 5.

Complicated example

(* (* 10 (+ 1 4)) (+ 10 (/ 12 2 3) 1) 0.1)

would give 65.

Solution Stats

39.32% Correct | 60.68% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jan 24, 2023

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