How do I use MathWorks tools to apply Model-Based Design for ARP-4754 or DO-178 applications?

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I am looking to apply Model-Based Design to develop software for use in projects that require code certification as defined in ARP-4754 and/or DO-178 standards.
I am looking for an example that outlines the steps I could take to apply Model-Based Design to generate, verify and validate safety critical software.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 4 Dec 2024
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 4 Dec 2024
You can find information regarding MathWorks support for DO-178 at the following link:
For R2009a+, MathWorks introduced DO Qualification Kit (for DO-178) product. Please visit the product page shown below or obtain a trial for details on MathWorks support of this standard.
For releases prior to R2009a+, a detailed demo of applying Model-Based Design to projects that require compliance with ARP-4754 and DO-178BC standards is available here:
Note that the files and models in the demos are tested on the version of MATLAB, Simulink and Real-Time Workshop mentioned. It is important to download the appropriate version based on the release of MATLAB, Simulink and Real-Time Workshop installed on your machine.
Please contact Bill Potter ( or MathWorks Technical Support if you have difficulty in following the steps outlined in the demo, or require further information.

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