how do i sort cell array
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I was wondering how can I sort a cell array. I have a cell array that contains 'T1-001'to 'T1-058' and 'T2-001 to T2-058' and was wondering if I could sort it so that it can go something like this:
T1-001,T2-001,T1-002, T2-002, etc.
Accepted Answer
More Answers (2)
Andrei Bobrov
on 18 Oct 2013
q = {'T1-001','T2-058','T1-235','T1-058','T2-001',' T1-045'};
q0 = regexp(q,'\d*','match');
q1 = str2double(cat(1,q0{:}));
[~,ii] = sortrows(q1,[2 1]);
out = q(ii);
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