Co-Simulation - Simulink, gazebo: Error evaluating 'MaskDialog'

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I am currently working on a Co-Simulation Simulink/Gazebo. When opening only a simple robot, the topics can be chosen within the Simulink-Block (Gazebo Read).
Opening some custom world and the robot, it throws the following error:
"Error evaluating 'MaskDialog' callback of Gazebo Read block (mask) 'untitled/Gazebo Read2'. Callback string is 'robotics.slgazebo.internal.block.GazeboReadBlockMask.dispatch('topicSelect', gcb);' STD exception 'mwboost::exception_detail::clone_impl': 'std::exception' was caught."
Any advice? Thanks.
Gaurav Bhosale
Gaurav Bhosale on 19 Aug 2021
Hi Jaeyong,
Okay. Are you using different .world file?
If you use shipped VM ( ) and launch world for this VM, then you are facing same issue?
If possible, please attach .world file.
JAEYONG HAN on 19 Aug 2021
Thank you for your answer,
I dont use VM.
I attached .world.files.
There are two
one named "test_only_with_the_car" which has no problem to select the topic in Gazebo Read block,
another named "The_RC_Car_World" which has a road, and the care above. when I open this world files, I run into the error, when I try to select the topic in Gazebo Read block.
I am not sure if only the world file is good enought for you,.

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Accepted Answer

Gaurav Bhosale
Gaurav Bhosale on 19 Aug 2021
Hi Jaeyong,
I checked both .world files and saw issue in
I found that, in the file, the model names contains some special character which is not understood by API.
One of place of special character I am showing below.
Avoid above 'ß' character in .world file. This is not readable by API.
Further, when I removed this character, updated my .world file and run Simulink model then I am able to see topics as,
So, remove the above mentioned character, each and every place from .world file. You will able to get topics.
Let me know, if stil you find any issue.
Gaurav Bhosale
  1 Comment
JAEYONG HAN on 19 Aug 2021
HI, Gaurav
Thanks a lot, I can now select the topic without any problem!
It was a German character. Now I know that the German alphabet should not be used.
Thank you again,

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