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Error exercise roots of the bessel function

2 views (last 30 days)
Could someone help me find the mistake I am making?
The exercise is as follows:
My code is the following:
I don't know why my root values of the Bessel function are bad.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Jul 2021
You assign to r(6) first using 4 as the starting approximation. If everything goes well, you will get the root that is close to 4.
You assign to r(5) second using 7 as the starting approximation. If everything goes well, you will get a root that is close to 7. If all went well, this root will be after the root that was near 4, so it should be after the one for 4 in the r vector. But you stored it into r(5) which will be before the one for 4 in the r vector.
Why are you storing into r(6) then r(5) then r(4) ?

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