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Clear Filters

Hi everyone! Please I need some help with batch importing a bunch of xml file files I have in a folder into my workspace. I tried to use xml2struct but it only gets one

2 views (last 30 days)
clear all
[file_list,path_name]=uigetfile('.xml', 'Grab the files you want to process', 'Multiselect', 'on' );
for i=1:length(file_list)
% Using the xml2struct with a path to each xml file works but my problem is
% how to loop through each file in the folder

Accepted Answer

Simon Chan
Simon Chan on 15 Jul 2021
Edited: Simon Chan on 15 Jul 2021
Try to add the indexing for variable 'data' and each file name
for i=1:length(file_list)
Daniel Abraham
Daniel Abraham on 15 Jul 2021
Hi Simon, thanks for your reply, but it gives the error unfortunately.
Error using xml2struct (line 48)
The file filename.xml could not be found
Error in test (line 7)
48 error(['The file ' file ' could not be found']);
I believe the issue is that the function works with a directory to the file but not with the string 'filename', but it is just one file name and that can't be iterated or maybe I'm missing something

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