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Estimate an AR(1) model with intercept for time series yt using the LS method

6 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have to estimate an AR(1) model for yt (annualized quarter growth rate of RPI) using LS method and report the parameter estimates together with the asymptotic standard errors. I don't know how to do it. Someone cn help me?

Answers (1)

Jaynik on 24 Jul 2024
We can use the ar function in the "System Identification Toolbox", for estimating autoregressive models directly. Following is a simple code for estimating an AR(1) model using the least squares method:
% below line estimates an AR(1) model on the data yt
model = ar(yt, 1, 'ls');
% 'ls' indicates Least Squares method
Refer the following documentation to read more about this function:


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