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save figure as .mat to a different folder

45 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I would like to save a figure as a mat file to a different folder other then the current folder. Simpfied code:
str = sort(get(findobj(0,'Type','figure'),'name'));
[s,v] = listdlg('PromptString','Select a file:',...
fig = handle2struct(figure(s));
save('Path to the folder',fig)
I've tried save(['Path'],fig) etc but nothing worked
Thank you
  1 Comment
Jan on 8 Aug 2013
Instead of the vague "nothing works" it is better to explain what happened instead. Most of all the error message would reveal the problems.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 8 Aug 2013
Edited: Jan on 8 Aug 2013
save('Path to the folder', 'fig')
The fig must be enclosed in quotes.
This is a frequently occurring problem, see Answers: Magic Strings, SAVE is not magic
Btw, FIG files have MAT format also, so you can store the FIG file by saveas and import it as struct by:
S = load('YourFile.fig', '-mat');

More Answers (1)

Vincent I
Vincent I on 12 Aug 2013
is there a way to save the figure and the workspace at a predetermined location using the folowing code?
fig = handle2struct(figure(s));
Dir = strcat('D:\Documents and Settings\...\Save\',folder,'.mat');
evalin('base', 'save(''Dir'')')
right now the ws is saved in the current folder and not in the Dir folder. Thank you
  1 Comment
Vincent I
Vincent I on 12 Aug 2013
NVM i got it:
evalin('base', ['save(''', location ''')']);

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