Subplot - linkaxes for 2 out of 3 images
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Avishay Assayag
on 26 May 2021
Edited: Avishay Assayag
on 6 Jul 2021
I have 3 images, each of different dimension. I'm plotting the 3 images side by side using subplot.
The above is done in a loop - in each iteration 3 similar images are dispayed and are saved to a movie.
I would like that the middle and the right image will be displayed accodring to the real size and proportions between both images, and that the left image will be shown with the same height as the middle image (maintaining the aspect ratio of this image)
I'm using the code below.
In the first iteration everything looks fine, though in the following iterations it does not dispalyed as expected.
See 2 example pictures below:
First Iteration:
Following Iterations:
VidObj = VideoWriter(fname, 'MPEG-4'); %set your file name and video compression
for k = 1:NumOfFrames
% 800x482
h1 = subplot(1, 3, 1);
imshow(Image1(:, :, k);
% 640x480
h2 = subplot(1, 3, 2);
imshow(Image2(:, :, k));
% 1280x720
h3 = subplot(1, 3, 3);
imshow(Image3(:, :, k));
f = getframe(gcf);
writeVideo(VidObj, f);
on 27 May 2021
if you are satisfied by that 'solution' i would post it as answer under your question
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