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Doubt involving a for loop within another

3 views (last 30 days)
I have the code below that is returning the results shown:
My problem is that I want the variable "jvals" to be a matrix just like "vetor_momentoj", so that I can store the values returned from the linspace of each interaction i=1:it. Can anybody help me, please?
P.S. this is just a test code, and the value 0.03 used to define jvals is hypotetical. In the real code this value depends on the index i.

Accepted Answer

David Fletcher
David Fletcher on 16 May 2021
Try changing the line to:
You may also need to change the line to
if curvatura is intended to be a scaler in that loop (though I don't see where it is used, so I assume you haven't added it to the code)
  1 Comment
Ana Carolina da Silva Pacheco
Thank you, that worked! Yes, curvatura is used in a fzero function that I didn't add to the test code.

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