Extracting the individual filters in a crossover filter

4 views (last 30 days)
I have set up a crossover filter like so:
cof = crossoverFilter(1, 5000, 48, 44100);
I know I can visualize the two constituent filters like so:
But for publication purposes, I would like to change the visualization quite a bit. That's why I'm looking for a way to extract the individual filters from the crossover filter in some way, but I cannot seem to figure it out. I even tried going through the code of the visualize function, but I am having a hard time making sense of it.
Am I missing something? Or is there really no easy way to get to the filter coefficients?

Accepted Answer

jibrahim on 7 May 2021
Hi Simon,
There is no documented way to get the individual filters. However, there is a hidden function that should help you:
numCrossovers = 2;
cof = crossoverFilter(numCrossovers, [300 5000], 48, 44100);
% Get the SOS filter coefficients for the 3 filters
[b1,a1,b2,a2,b3,a3] = getFilterCoefficients(cof,numCrossovers);
% Use fvtool to visualize
% Visualize using dynamic filter visualizer
fv = dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer('SampleRate',cof.SampleRate);
jibrahim on 4 Dec 2023
This method is not documented as of yet.
[b1,a1,b2,a2,b3,a3] = getFilterCoefficients(cof,numCrossovers);
b1 represents the numerator coefficients of the filter filter. a1 represents the denominator of the first filter. Each filter is a SOS filter, so b1 is N-by-3, where N is the number of sections in the SOS filter. a1 is N-by-3.
b2 and a2 represent the numerator and denominator coefficients of the second SOS filter, and so on.
Soli on 6 Dec 2023
Hi, perfect ! Thank you very much for this info! :)

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