how to add variable to array
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Hello guys.
I have breathVAL variable, which is showing the numbers - average of PPG and ECG signal. I need this numbers to average to one number. I know that i have to add this numbers to some array like breathVAL_total and than divide it with the length of this array. Can you help me please? Thanks.
function breathVAL = vaseFCE( PPG, ECG, fs)
[b, a] = fir1(2, 0.032, 'low'); %vytvorenie FIR filtra dolnej priepusti, 0.032 - medzni frekvence
y = filtfilt(b, a, ECG); %pre urceny EKG signal aplikujeme filter dolnej priepusti
[peaks, poloha] = findpeaks(y, 'MinPeakDistance', 320); %funkcia, ktora hlada vzdialenosti medzi peakmi v signale
ECG_sprac = length(poloha); %funkcia, ktory vyhodi pocet peakov v signale
[b, a] = fir1(2, 0.032, 'low'); %vytvorenie filtra dolnej priepusti, filter 2 radu
y = filtfilt(b, a, PPG); %pre urceny PPG signal aplikujeme filter dolnej priepusti
[peaks, poloha] = findpeaks(y, 'MinPeakDistance', 320); %funkcia, ktora hlada vzdialenosti medzi peakmi v signale
PPG_sprac = length(poloha); %funkcia, ktory vyhodi pocet peakov v signale
breathVAL = (ECG_sprac + PPG_sprac) / 2; %priemer EKG a PPG signalu = vysledna hodnota breathVAL = odhad dychovej frekvencie
%breathVAL = 15*(mean(PPG) + mean(ECG)) + fs - fs;
Benjamin Großmann
on 30 Apr 2021
If breathVAL is a 8000x1 array, then you can write
breathVAL_AVG = mean(breathVAL);
But looking at your code you wrote
breathVAL = (ECG_sprac + PPG_sprac) / 2;
ECG_sprac as well as PPG_sprac are the output of length() if you use matlabs function length, then the output is scalar and so is breathVAL. The result of mean() on a scalar value is the value itself.
Answers (1)
Benjamin Großmann
on 30 Apr 2021
Okay, maybe I understood the problem:
If you have an array of PPG and ECG values and a constant fs you could do something like:
fs = 100;
breathVAL_array = arrayfun(@(p,e) vaseFCE(p, e, fs), PPG_array, ECG_array);
breathVAL_mean = mean(breathVAL_array);
Arrayfun is calling your function vaseFCE for every element in PPG_array and ECG_array, calculating the scalar breathVAL and collecting them in breathVAL_array. After that you can call mean to get the average.
Benjamin Großmann
on 3 May 2021
It depends on how you call the function "vaseFCE" at the moment. Most often one can replace the call to a function directly with an arrayfun method.
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