Generating a text file and autofill it with outputs

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello! Is there a way to generate a .txt file and fill it with strings, one on each row, in a for loop? To be exact, in a for loop i generate different outputs and i want to save all of them in a .txt file but i don't know how.
for i=1:length(text)
decrypt=[decrypt mat(1,coloana)];

Accepted Answer

Clayton Gotberg
Clayton Gotberg on 24 Apr 2021
Edited: Clayton Gotberg on 24 Apr 2021
fid = fopen('output_file.txt','wt'); % Open output_file.txt
% 'w' means overwrite everything that is already in the file, use 'a' to
% append instead. 't' means format more like a text file
for i=1:length(text)
decrypt=[decrypt mat(1,coloana)];
fprintf(fid,'%s\n',coloana); % To the file already opened (identified by fid)
% write a single line (%s) followed by a newline symbol (\n)
% '%s' tells the function to expect a string input; if the input
% you want to write to the file is not a string you'll need to change
% the formatting identifier. A link to the function is below.
fclose(fid) % close the opened file
Functions: fopen, fprintf (direct link to formatting inputs), fclose

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