Here I have a script I am trying to write a script but I need my answers (within the if-statement) to output"Water Volume = amount found m^3(unit needed to display"
so i.e Water Volume = 4.0235 m^3
This is what I have so far and I have another script to "call" this function where it lists:
tankvolume( -5)
function Vtotal = tankvolume(h)
rc = 10;
rf = 20;
hc = 30;
hf = 25;
if h < 0
Vtotal = -1;
disp('Error h Cannot be Negative')
elseif h < hc && h > 0
Vtotal = pi*rc*rc*h;
fprintf ('Water Total = % m^3, Vtotal') % Volume of Water in Tank in m^3
elseif hc < h && h < hc + hf
rh = rc+((h-hc)*(rf-rc))/hf;
Vtotal = pi*rc*rc*hc+(pi*(h-hc)*(rc*rc+rc*rh+rh*rh))/3; % Volume of Water in Tank in m^3
fprintf ('Water Total = % m^3, Vtotal')
Vtotal = -1;
disp('Error Overflow')
any advice?